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整人游戏:iPhone 5初体验(视频)


爱思英语编者按:Jimmy Kimme拿着一台iPhone4S跑到街上去问果粉“来实机试试看这个新iPhone5怎么样”,多数路人的回答是很新很好很强大!事实证明人类对iphone的迷信已经超越了它的实际外貌和功能。只要是新的,就是最好的!

Jimmy Kimmel Handed People An iPhone 4S, Told Them It Was An iPhone 5, And They LOVED It

Here's some evidence that people don't really care what the new iPhone looks like, just as long as it's the new iPhone.

Jimmy Kimmel sent someone out to the streets of LA with an iPhone 4S. Kimmel told people they were playing with an iPhone 5. When they are told it's the new iPhone, they start conjuring up all sorts of reasons why it crushes the iPhone 4S. Again, it is an iPhone 4S.

