爱思英语编者按:昨天起到6月9日,一只16.5米、相当于6层楼高的巨型“大黄鸭”漂到香港的维多利亚港。此次由荷兰艺术家Florentijn Hofman创作的大型橡皮黄鸭仔造型,此前已在10个国家和地区的12座城市下水畅游。根据Hofman的形容,橡皮鸭无国界之分,可以治疗心灵,放松心情。而这次这只“大黄鸭”漂进了海港城海运大厦附近的海域。 This enormous rubber duck is far more than a bathtime buddy. Dubbed Spreading Joy Around The World, it was designed by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman to 'put a smile' on people's faces. The 54ft-high inflatable made its first appearance today in Hong Kong, where it will be spending a month floating around the city's Victoria Harbour. It has already visited famous waters around the world, including the cities of Sydney, Osaka and Auckland. Its next location is a well-kept secret, but it is believed to be an undisclosed city in the United States. The duck is deflated for transportation and then reinflated on location using a generator.
Mr Hofman said he wanted to bring joy with his giant duck, which he claimed help reconnect people with their forgotten childhoods. 'My sculptures cause an uproar, astonishment and put a smile on your face,' he said. 'They give people a break from their daily routines. Passers-by stop in front of them and enter into conversation with other spectators. People are making contact with each other again.' In a statement on his website, he said: 'The Rubber Duck knows no frontiers, it doesn't discriminate people and doesn't have a political connotation. 'The friendly, floating Rubber Duck has healing properties: it can relieve mondial tensions as well as define them. The rubber duck is soft, friendly and suitable for all ages!' The artist's other works include Fat Monkey - a giant monkey made from 10,000 brightly-coloured flip-flops - and a giant cuddly toy rabbit called Big Yellow Rabbit.