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Chin chin! Cute chinchilla loves sipping cocktails, hosting tea parties and driving its sports car… and now has more than 110,000 Instagram followers

She loves sipping cocktails, hosting tea parties and even driving her sports car around the house.

And BuBu, a cute seven-year-old white chinchilla from Singapore taking social media by storm, has now amassed more than 110,000 followers on Instagram.

Her proud owner - known only as ‘Angel F’ - said she has been taking photos of BuBu since she was just four months old, but only recently started sharing her images on the website.

Cute chincilla: BuBu is clearly a fan of sipping cocktails (left) and having a hot drink from Starbucks (right)

Pushing the roses: BuBu, from Singapore, has now amassed more than 110,000 followers on Instagram

Doing the ironing: BuBu is a cute seven-year-old white chinchilla from Singapore taking social media by storm

Bedtime: Her proud owner said she has been taking photos of BuBu since she was just four months old

Shopping at Harrods: Owner 'Angel F' has only recently started sharing her images of BuBu on Instagram

She said: ‘I've been taking photos of her since she came into my life. A pet is like a child and you want to capture memorable photos of them. I set up the Instagram account last year.

‘I was sharing varied daily photos when I saw that BuBu's photos were more appreciated than the other photos so I thought it best for BuBu to have her own account. The response was amazing.

‘She was getting lots of new friends and messages from people who loved BuBu all over the world.

‘Besides being super adorable I think people love Bubu because she shows that, chinchillas are amazing pets. I think people love to see that, rather than seeing a pet in a cage.’

Angel F said that she is passionate about stopping the fur trade - and wants the photos of BuBu to help achieve this goal by her ‘reaching out to many people's hearts’.

Luggage and popcorn: Angel F said 'a pet is like a child and you want to capture memorable photos of them'

Looking in the mirror: BuBu has been receiving messages from people who love her from over the world

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Angel F said she hopes BuBu will help turn people against the fur trade

Dress alterations for Barbie:  Angel F said BuBu gives her photo ideas because 'she loves to get involved'

Spaghetti Bolognese on the plate: BuBu's owner said her heart is 'filled with joy' because her pet is so loved

She added that BuBu often presents her with photo ideas because ‘she loves to get involved and participate in every single thing I'm doing’.

‘For instance, when I'm doing something in the kitchen, she comes to see what I'm doing,’ she said.

‘Or when I come back from shopping, she is all over the shopping bags to investigate what's inside.

'All her actions inspire me to show fans her fun little world via the photos and videos I take of her. When I walk around the mall and something cute captures my eyes, I think of BuBu and I buy it for her. Some props are custom-made for her. BuBu doesn't need treats to pose.

'When she sees the props around she rushes over to check them out. It can be difficult to take photos of chinchillas, because they move very fast.

'She now has over 100,000 followers. Knowing she is loved by so many people fills my heart with joy.’
