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Poops! 摄影师粑粑和初生儿子搞怪照


爱思英语编者按:来自英国Kent的粑粑Al Ferguson决定和刚出生4天的儿子Ted拍一套正统的黑白艺术照,可小Ted觉得这样拍太无聊啦,于是决定用特殊的道具[便便]来增加一点味道!看Ted满足的微笑和粑粑僵住的表情,经典照片的灵感就这么“喷涌”而出啦!

Now that's a photo SHOOT! Professional portrait gets messy after newborn baby poops in his father's arms

Poops! 摄影师粑粑和初生儿子搞怪照

A father cradles his slumbering newborn son in a stylish black-and-white professional photo.

It's an image proud Al Ferguson, from Kent, and his partner, Jen, will no doubt treasure.

But a mere frame later, four-day-old baby Ted decided to really make his mark... by squirting out an impressive stream of poop across his dad's arm.

Mr Ferguson, 26, could only look on helplessly during the shoot with photographer Kirsty Grant.

Meanwhile, Ted's expression after relieving himself was one of pure contentment.

‘It happened within a second,’ Mr Ferguson told Metro newspaper.

‘As I felt his stomach tense, in the back of your head you know he’s about to go poo, and then before you know it… he’s doing it.’

Mr Ferguson couldn't resist sharing the image and posted it on his blog The Dad Network, after which it went viral. 

And as for the rest of the shoot: an unfazed Ms Grant grabbed a nappy and applied it to the young chap's derriere.

Kirsty Grant's website can be found at www.kirstygrantphotographer.co.uk
