爱思英语编者按:美国一对有爱的小夫妻Brinson和Banks每去到一个地方都要摆同样的接吻造型拍照。他们非常乐在其中,而且决定一直坚持下去。 A couple have documented their life together by recreating the same pose across the world. Their signature move sees David Walter Banks sweep Kendrick Brinson off her feet as they share a kiss. The pair, who met in a photojournalism class at the University of Georgia, were at Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada with a group of photographers when a friend snapped a photo of the them doing the pose. Later while working on a project in Lebanon, Kansas, they decided to re-create the photo and they have since done the same in Puerto Rico, Mexico and Colorado as well as their recent move from Atlanta to California. The couple married in 2012 and their ever-growing collection is known as #Brinsonbanksing. Brinson and Banks see #Brinsonbanksing as an ongoing project. 'I'd love to be 50 and still doing it,' Banks said to CNN. 'It's more fun as we get more of them, all the little memories. It's one of those projects that will just grow greater.'  A couple have documented their life together by recreating the same pose in a variety of locations across the world
 Their signature pose sees David Walter Banks sweep Kendrick Brinson off her feet as they share a kiss
 Cabazon, CA. The pair met in a photojournalism class at the University of Georgia
 Cadillac Ranch Amarillo, Texas. The couple were at Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada with a group of photographers when a friend snapped a photo of the two doing the now famous pose
 California. It's one of those projects that will just grow greater,' said David Walter Banks of their project
 The couple's last day in Atlanta, GA. Later while working on a project in Lebanon, Kansas, Brinson and Banks decided to re-create the photo and they have since done the same in Puerto Rico, Mexico and Colorado as well as their recent move from Atlanta to California
 Kansas. Their ever-growing collection is known as #Brinsonbanksing .Brinson and Banks see #Brinsonbanksing as an ongoing project
 Millen, Georgia. 'It's more fun as we get more of them, all the little memories. It's one of those projects that will just grow greater.'
 Getty Center, Los Angeles. 'I'd love to be 50 and still doing it,' Banks said to CNN
 Millen, GA. 'It's more fun as we get more of them, all the little memories,' said Banks
 The couple celebrates their anniversary in Malibu. The couple married in 2012 after long-distance dating