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10 Things That Make Long Distance Relationships Easier

Taking a relationship long distance is never easy. It’s something no couple wants to face but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Long distance relationships can be testing, but with a lot of strength and commitment they can work! Here are 10 things you can do to keep your love alive whilst you’re apart.

1. Commit To The Relationship
If you’re wanting to take your relationship long distance, it’s important that you both commit that you’re going to do everything you can to make it work. Long distance is tough and takes a lot of planning, trust and determination. Make sure you’re both on the same page with what you want. It can only ever work if you’re both equal in wanting to keep the relationship moving.

2. Plan Trips
It’s great to plan a visit or perhaps have something booked for when you’re back together. It will make your time apart easier if you’re working towards a certain date and you’ll feel excited knowing every day you’re closer to being reunited! Keeping the relationship upbeat and optimistic is a sure way to ensure that spark doesn’t fade.

3. Surprises
A great way to keep your love alive is to surprise each other with thoughtful little gestures. Share a song, a message, a parcel or a photo! Let them know you’re thinking of them and remember romantic gestures can travel the world, even if you can’t!

4. Communication
The crucial part of any relationship. Even if you can’t be with your love, it’s important you still talk to each other daily. Update one another on the little things but also let them know how you’re feeling, just because you’re not with them is no excuse to miss out on daily details! Be honest with each other and you’ll find you’ll feel a lot closer.

5. Enjoy Your Small Moments
If you’re visiting each other, it’s easy to feel like you need to make the most of every moment together and arrange lavish plans. Of course it’s great to have things to do but it’s also important to take time to just enjoy each others company. A day doing absolutely nothing together is certainly not a waste of a day!

6. Be Organized
Being organized is important to making a long distance relationship work! Schedule when you’ll talk to each other; it could be a Skype or phone call at a certain time of the day. Find a routine that works for the both of you and can be easily maintained- it helps if you’re in a similar setting; you could both be in bed or eating dinner. Make sure you’re not rushing around, give yourself time to focus on them.

7. Do Things Together
Just because you can’t physically be in each other’s presence doesn’t mean you can’t do the same thing. Read the same book, watch a film together at the same time, attempt cooking with the same recipe- you’ll feel closer and have things in common this way. Get creative with ideas and have fun with making your relationship work!

8. Know Their Routine
Knowing each others daily routine, upcoming plans and events is important. It’s nice to know you’ve got some sense on what they’re up to. Know their schedule, what times they finish work, what day they have a big meeting. You’ll be able to support them with whatever they’re doing and you’ll feel closer this way!

9. Video Chat
There’s nothing better than looking into the eyes of your love, and thanks to the technology it’s a luxury we can have easy access to! Try and utilize this tool as much as you can. It will make missing them a lot easier.

10. Stay Positive
Positivity is needed if you want to keep the relationship alive. Try and see the bright side of being apart, maybe you can learn a new skill to impress them with when they return. Invest some time in yourself and think of how amazing it will feel to be reunited. It doesn’t have to be all bad, and keeping a positive attitude will keep the relationship fun and healthy.
