英语诗词 李白·《客中行》
2023-11-24李白·《客中行》For My HostLi Bai兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。How flavorous is your golden-hued Lanling wine!You fill my cup of jade, in amber it will glow...
短英语诗 最是一年春好处
2023-11-24韩愈·《初春小雨》Light Rain in Early SpringHan Yu天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。The royal streets are moistened by a creamlike rain;Green grass can be percei...
英文诗 《冬至大如年》
2023-11-24郡人最重冬至节。先日,亲朋好友各以食物相馈赠,提筐担盒,充斥道路,俗呼冬至盘。节前一夕,俗呼冬至夜。是夜,人家更速燕饮,谓之节酒。女嫁而归宁在室者,至是,必归婿家。家无大小,必市食物以享先,间有悬挂祖先遗容者。诸凡仪文,加于常节,故有“冬至大如年”之谚。清/顾禄《清嘉录》People in the ...
英语诗翻译 超越天地 不入名利
2023-11-24彼富我仁,彼爵我义,君子固不为君相所牢笼;人定胜天,志一动气,君子亦不受造化之陶铸。Others have riches; I have a sprit of benevolence. Others have high rank; I have a sense of righteousness. A...
英文小诗 袁枚•《咏钱》
2023-11-24人生薪水寻常事,动辄烦君我亦愁。解用何尝非俊物,不谈未必定清流。空劳姹女千回数,屡见铜山一夕休。拟把婆心向天奏,九州添设富民侯。Money is spend in daily living,Quite often it causes you and me to worry.A proper use ...
2023-11-24silent night 平安夜 silent night, holy night! all is calm, all is bright. round yon virgin, mother and child. holy infant so tender and mild, sleep in he...
简单英语诗 归雁
2023-11-24钱起·《归雁》Return of the Wild GeeseQian QI潇湘何事等闲回?水碧沙明两岸苔。二十五弦弹夜月,不胜清怨却飞来。Why so soon have you come back only with Xiaoxiang in sight?With bryophyte on bo...
2023-11-24圣诞节将至,小编为大家奉上圣诞节的英语小诗二首.第一首:Christmas is a holiday for friends,However they may be, or not, related.Remember that the three wise kings were strangersI...
2023-11-24郑板桥·《画石》Bamboo in a PaintingZheng Banqiao乌纱掷去不为官,囊橐萧萧两袖寒。写取一枝清瘦竹,秋风江上作渔竿。To cast away my official position I’m ready,And to be in the rank and file wi...