
  • 眼儿媚楼上黄昏杏花寒,斜月小栏干。一双燕子,两行征雁,画角声残。纠窗人在东风里,无语对春闲。也应似旧,盈盈秋水,淡淡春山。yan er meiDusk in the upper floor chamberAnd apricot flowers are chilled;On the dainty ra...

  • The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens One must have a mind of winterTo regard the frost and the boughsOf the pine-trees crusted with snow;And have been cold...

  • Prepare as well as you possibly can, search the web and research the background of the company and the people who you think are going to be interviewi...

  • 地道的英语写成的励志名言对英语写作有很大帮助。不同的英语名言名段包含不同的纯正语法和句子结构。这种东西积累得多了,你可以不知不觉中,很自然地掌握各类语法和句式,无需再去刻意研究和学习。这里精选了一些具有特色的成功励志名言,和大家分享如下:Success is the ability to live ...

  • Your presence is a gift to the world。You're unique and one of a kind。Your life can be what you want it to beTake it one day at a time。Focus on you...

  • 红花飞,白花飞,郎与春风同别离,春归郎不归。Red flowers fly,White flowers fly.My husband left me when the vernal breeze passed by.But won’t come back with spring, Oh my!雨霏霏...

  • Your CV should not go beyond two pages, so deciding what to include and what to leave off is very important. Everything you include should be relevant...

  • 临川之城东,有地隐然而高,以临于溪,曰新城。新城之上,有池洼然而方以长,曰王羲之之墨池者,荀伯子《临川记》云也。羲之尝慕张芝,“临池学书,池水尽黑。”此为其故迹,岂信然邪?There is a terrace concealed from view east of the city of Linch...

  • 对于英文能力不高的学习者来说,听懂英语新闻实在是难度较大。要突破英语新闻这一关,这里我有以下几点建议:第一,在听英文新闻之前,要用自己的母语了解新闻的内容,给要听的英文听力作出铺垫。而且英文的新闻范围较广,要先从自己熟悉的领域下手。背诵相关领域的词汇。其实,你了解多了,不难发现每个领域的词汇并不是很...

  • 父母呼,应勿缓。父母命,行勿懒。When your parents call you,You should answer without delay.When your parents ask you to do something,You should act immediately as you...

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