It's no use crying over spilt milk 覆水难收
2023-12-07汉语里说泼出去的水”指事情已经成定局,无法改变。而英语中人们用 牛奶 milk”代替水”以描述类似的状况。成语 it's no use crying over spilt milk 奶已打翻,哭也无益”相当于汉语成语覆水难收”,隐含...
纸包不住火”是一句俗语,比喻事实是掩盖不了的。这个表达的本意指火可以把纸燃烧,所以不可能把它包住。比喻事实是掩盖不了的。也形容某种形势不可阻挡。英语中可以用truth will come to light sooner or later;sooner or later, truth wi...
in the flower of your youth 风华正茂
2023-12-07In the flower of somebody's youth 的意思是某人正在风华正茂时。例句Look at those students – they're all in the flower of their youth.She's still extr...
to acquire a taste for something 开始喜欢某事物
2023-12-11短语 to acquire a taste for something 常出现在谈论饮食的语境中,尤其是在某人喜欢上了一种新的或不寻常的食物时。除了用来表达对新食物的喜欢之外,这个短语也能用来谈论对不寻常的经验或活动的喜爱。例句I first visited China ten years ago ...
rack your brains 绞尽脑汁
2023-12-07短语 rack someone's brains 的意思是为了记起某人或事而绞尽脑汁,或为了一件事而大伤脑筋。其中,单词 rack 作动词,指在精神及肉体上折磨。另外,rack your brains 除描述一个人因为一件事苦苦思索以外,还可以用作祈使句来命令或请求他人仔细思索,想出点子、计...
to take shape 开始成形
2023-12-07To take shape 这一短语经常用来表示一个有潜力的计划或构想开始成形,初见端倪。例句I'm glad to see your revision plan is beginning to take shape. Looks like you'll be well prepar...
a body blow 惨痛的失败 致命一击
2023-12-07A body blow 是一个成语表达,说明一件事对另一件事造成了巨大打击,后果严重。例句His poor grade in the last essay was a body blow to his chances of graduating top of the class."I...
without batting an eye 不露声色,面不改色
2023-12-07如果你的反应被形容为 without batting an eye - or eyelid 不眨眼,意思就是你不露声色,让人看不出事情对你的情绪是否有任何影响。例句When I told her I didn't want to go out with her any more she di...
2023-12-07谋事在人,成事在天,俗语,意思是自己已经尽力而为,至于能否达到目的,那就要看时运如何了。语出自明代罗贯中所著《三国演义》第103回:孔明叹曰:‘谋事在人,成事在天,不可强也!’”在英语里可用Man proposes, God disposes或者The plann...
try one's best 全力以赴
2023-12-07全力以赴是一个汉语成语,意思是指把全部精力都投入进去,与竭尽全力”意思相近。出自清·赵翼《二十二史札记》。在英语里,可以用try one's best, shoot for the moon, put one's best foot forward表示。例句...