When the Wall Topples Down, It Becomes a Bridge海南海口秀英区永万坡国科实验学校初中 白天天Today I'll talk about understanding, that is understanding between children a...
初中学生作品欣赏-A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed
2023-12-07A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed青海省西宁市康东中学初中 李晓亮We usually say that it is very important to find a real friend, but it is difficult. Now in our soc...
初中学生作品欣赏-My Family
2023-12-07My Family河南省郑州市第51中学 徐起航My family will always be very important in my life. I'm raised in a loving family. My father is an engineer. Whenever I th...
初中学生作品欣赏-My Experiences
2023-12-07My Experiences浙江省衢州市第二中学初二年级 伍海伦I want to tell you about my experience in learning English since my babyhood. Maybe it will be helpful to English lear...
初中学生作品欣赏-My Dream
2023-12-07My Dream陕西省西安一中初中三年级 陈都Everyone has a dream. Now I'll talk about my dream i What is my dream? I often ask myself. When I was a little boy, I wante...
初中学生作品欣赏-My Best Friend
2023-12-07My Best Friend山西省实验中学初中三年级 张静怡Everyone has his or her best friend. Usually a boy's best friend is a boy, and a girl's best friend is a girl. B...
初中学生作品欣赏-Mid-autumn Day
2023-12-07Mid-autumn Day吉林省长春市东北师大附中初中三年级 王萌萌I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in Chi-na. Everybody likes it because it's a family get-t...
初中学生作品欣赏-Making Friends
2023-12-07Making Friends宁夏银川一中初中三年级 杨洁One of the most important things in the world is making friends. If you have a good friend, you are lucky. A good friend i...
初中学生作品欣赏-I Have a Dream
2023-12-07I Have a Dream安徽省合肥市四十六中初中一年级 康My dream is to become a teacher. And I have never changed my mind till today. Well, when I was still a little girl in a...
初中学生作品欣赏-I Want to Be…
2023-12-07I Want to Be浙江省衢州市第二中学初中 吴海伦Somebody asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. Well, the answer is: I'm not sure what I want to be, because I w...