
  • Chip supplier Qualcomm Inc won a second court skirmish in its worldwide patent battle with Apple on Thursday, with the iPhone maker saying it would pu...

  • David Beckham is contemplating traveling to space.大卫·贝克汉姆正在考虑前往太空。The Sun reports the football ace, 43, has been 'mulling it over for some time...

  • On Monday I was standing in line at a pharmacy and was having leg pain.某个周一,我在药店里排队买药,因为我感觉腿部很痛。I kept rubbing it and having to take the weight off fr...

  • 如果有人问你世界上最好的悬疑小说有哪些,你会回答什么?《福尔摩斯探案集》?阿嘉莎·克莉丝蒂?是的,他们都不错,但还有一些不那么知名书和他们同样精彩、同样重要,其中一本就是我们今天要介绍的《玫瑰之名》。The Name of the Rose《玫瑰之名》《玫瑰之名》讲述一个发生在意大利中世纪修道院的神...

  • My husband gave my 6 year old son a $10 bill.丈夫把一张10美元的钞票交给了儿子。This $10 bill went with my son everywhere, from one pair of jeans to another, one hoodi...

  • 1. Prepping ingredients as you cook1.一边做菜一边准备食材If you want to save time and end up with a tastier meal, you should definitely have all your ingredient...

  • 这种现象我们已经见怪不怪了,大部分人都是双标的,对别人一套要求,对自己又是另一套要求。不过,在我们声讨这种行为的时候,有没有停下来想一想它到底为什么会存在呢?这就要牵扯到心理学上的一个概念:归因误差(attribution error)在心理学中,所谓的归因(attribution)就是我们对别人行...

  • It had been cloudy, chilly, rainy and gray for three days.三天以来气温持续偏低,天空不是乌云密布就是阴雨连绵。It was November. The colorful Autumn leaves had reached their peak...

  • 1. You show empathy through apologies1.通过道歉表达同情Apologizing for something you can’t control may be illogical, but it can make you seem more trustworthy...

  • 智商到底是先天的还是后天的?这个争论一直没停过。而现在一组最新的研究似乎是想给这个问题火上浇油,他们发现:你所处的环境能够影响你大脑内关键基因的表达,并对你的智商造成我们以前从未想过的影响。不过,如果你本来就知道我们的IQ是由无数基因共同决定的,并且知道这些基因在脑部的表达会因为各种压力而被封锁、解...

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