On Monday I was standing in line at a pharmacy and was having leg pain. 某个周一,我在药店里排队买药,因为我感觉腿部很痛。 I kept rubbing it and having to take the weight off from my leg. 我不停的揉搓自己的腿,还不能用力。 There was a lady in line behind me who asked me if I was okay. 排在我后面的女士问我“还好吗?” After talking for a couple of minutes she suggested I go to the hospital and get it checked out since I had major surgery a few weeks ago. 我和她交谈了几分钟后,她立刻建议我去医院检查一下,因为我几个星期之前才做过一个大手术,恐怕腿部又出了问题。 So I took what she said seriously and I went to the ER. 我郑重的考虑了她的建议,然后去了急诊室。 I have a 5+ inch blood clot in my leg. 检查结果是,我的腿部有一个直径5英尺多的血块。 This woman, quite literally, saved my life. 毫不夸张的说,那位女士救了我一命。 I am living proof that empathy for those around us and saying something when we see something is wrong with someone can change the course of their life. Or possibly save it. 人间处处有温情,当我们发现旁人遇到困难时,一句小小的关怀可能会改变他们人生的轨迹,甚至救他们的命。我就是活生生的例子。
(翻译:小木) |