2023-11-24A friend and I were standing in line at a fast-food restaurant, waiting to place our order. There was a big sign posted. "No bills larger than $2...
2023-11-24Very stupid robbersTwo robbers were robbing a hotel. The first robber said, "I hear sirens. Jump!"The second one said, "But we're o...
2023-11-24Good News And Bad News"There's good news and bad news," the divorce lawyer told his client. "I could sure use some good news,"...
2023-11-24Good Points and Bad Points 优缺点"This house," said the real-estate salesman, "has both its good points and bad points. To show you I'...
英语笑话:他为什么喊 Why Howling
2023-11-24Why Is He HowlingDentist: Please stop howling. I haven't even touched your tooth yet. Patient: I know, but you are standing on my foot!...
英语笑话:Knights & Nights 黑暗时代
2023-11-24Teacher: Why do we sometimes call the Middle Ages the Dark Ages? Betty: Because they had so many knights....
2023-11-24I don't even know that woman A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman siting on a bench, passionately kissing."Why don'...
英语笑话:我想我是一只鸡 Chicken
2023-11-24I think that I'm a chickenPsychiatrist: What's your problem?Patient: I think I'm a chicken.Psychiatrist: How long has this been going on?P...
英语笑话:看见一只死鸟了吗 Bird
2023-11-24A brunette and a blonde are walking along in a park one morning.Suddenly, the brunette notices a dead bird. "Awww, look at the dead birdie,"...
英语笑话:欺骗的代价 The Revenge
2023-11-24Old Farmer Johnson was dying. The family was standing around his bed. With a low voice he said to his wife: "When I'm dead I want you to marr...