
  • 感恩节文化:加拿大与美国的区别Like the United States, Canada gives thanks for its good fortune once a year and eats itself silly with turkey and mashed potatoes。美国是在...

  • 转载请注明出处和作者编者按:英语巴士网推出全新栏目《佳作欣赏》,旨在为各位网友提供互相、探讨、交流的平台。《佳作欣赏》主要设置以下子栏目:英文写作,英汉互译,方法,人生感悟。除英文写作以外,其余子栏目中英文皆可。如果您有好的作品,请向我们推荐。原创优先,转载作品请注明作者及出处。爱思,因你而精彩;爱...

  • Americans Prepare to Celebrate Valentine’s DayFebruary 11, 2011 China says Freddy makes her feel like a princess all of the time....

  • 24EN Editor's Note:Just as the clock signals the arrival of New Year on the midnight of 31st December people start exchanging New Year Wishes with...

  • Beginning to look a lot like Christmas爱思英语编者按:In many places around the world, it is definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Santas are mak...

  • Christmas 2010 in America: Three Stories of Struggle, Tradition and Wonder19December 2010Sharon and Jeffrey Davis at a shelter in Arlington, Virginia....

  • Of course there is no such phrase as "Inter-colour marriage"; I made that up to mean marrriages between people of different skin colours.I. ...

  • 编者按:大概是一个多月前,《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》等美国主流媒体,频繁出现Tea Party”(茶叶党)这个词语。此文将简单摘录和分析一下。■什么是茶叶党”?美国总统奥巴马2009年上台时,他的支持者满怀激情;现在,茶叶党”人士,才是真的有激情。 什么是茶叶党...

  • 爱思英语编者按:据路透社报道,对许多美国人来说,鬼怪和妖精可不仅仅出现在万圣节的装扮或服饰上,他们坦承自己相信超自然灵异事件和鬼魂现世。民调机构佐格比互动针对2100位成年人开展了此项调查,其中37%的受访者表示自己相信世间确有鬼魂,另有23%的受访者称已故亲友曾经回来探访。甚至有22%没撞见过鬼的...

  • 24EN Editor's Note:There had been four ages since the human world first came into being .They are the Golden Age,the Silver Age,the Age of Bronze ...

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