复活节美食:Hot Cross Buns
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:在复活节时间,目前还有些英国人会做 Hot Cross Buns(复活节十字面包)。这种圆形麵包上面放十字架的麵包会做到过Lent 节日。...
复活节诗歌:Easter Bunny
2023-11-24In memory of all the bunnies we couldn't save....
复活节诗歌:Easter Holiday
2023-11-24Easter holiday, is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ!Jesus Christ, The Son of God, bled and died for us in a sacrifice....
Easter: The Day of Resurrection
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:Well, There is a Christian saying. It says, "Prophets died, saints died, great men died - none of them ever returned to life. When Christ...
The Easter Bunny: Symbol of Easter
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:The Easter Bunny is one of the best known Easter symbols. Learn its history, and how people around the world revere rabbits and hares....
Easter Sunday, Easter Baskets
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:Easter is not just bunnies and eggs. Learn about Easter Sunday, Easter bonnets, Easter baskets and why people pick pussy willows in Russia and...
2023-11-24爱思英语编者按:想没想过耶稣受难日”怎么用英文表达?常听到的一系列稀奇古怪的宗教节日,如四旬节斋戒”、圣灰星期三”和复活节守夜”是怎么回事?复活节玄词大解密和您一起解读西方文化 提醒一下哦,注意最下方的词语解释!...
Easter traditions and origins