
  • Chinese people gain in height中国平均身高增长最快A recent report in the medical journal Lancet says Chinese people have been gaining in height in the past 30 ye...

  • China now ranks first in four major areas of scientific research in terms of academic activity and influence, trailing only the United States, which l...

  • 美国儿科学会数据显示,截至11月12日,美国超过100万名儿童新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性,近期儿童新冠病例激增。Over a million children under 18 have been diagnosed with Covid-19 in the United States since th...

  • Stop passing the buck多地叫停家长批改作业The education authority in Northeast China's Liaoning province has joined a handful of others in banning teachers f...

  • Denmark to cull 17M mink丹麦宣布捕杀全国水貂Denmark, the world's largest producer of mink furs, plans to cull all mink in the country to contain a mutated f...

  • In business, as in life, good leaders hope for the best and plan for the worst. There’s a reason that experts refer to the regular expansion and...

  • 美国前总统奥巴马卸任后的首部作品《应许之地》,于11月17日在全球各地以25种语言同时出版。这本书是奥巴马回忆录的第一卷。全书披露了他的不少家庭生活细节,也以2011年5月为时间截止点,回顾了在第一任总统期间,奥巴马应对金融危机、推出医改法案、美军击毙本·拉登等重大事件的决策过程。《应...

  • Pay Attention to Taxes and Inflation关注税收和通货膨胀To paraphrase famed investor Warren Buffett, when it comes to measuring your investment results over time...

  • 辉瑞等制药公司在新冠疫苗上的进展让美国民众看到了希望,但是白宫健康顾问安东尼·福奇博士提醒人们,接种了疫苗仍然要坚持佩戴口罩和社交隔离等防护措施,因为疫苗可以防止得病,但可能无法防止病毒传播。As several coronavirus vaccines inch closer tow...

  • What Does "Bread" Look Like In Your Country?面包在你们国家长什么样?获得58好评的回答@Iqbal Bagus AlfiansyahI live in Indonesia, and this is how a typical loaf ...