
  • 要学会新东西,非得失败几回不可。然而,失败多少回才算合适?亚利桑那大学牵头组织研究,最近给出了一个精确答案。Educators and educational scholars have long recognized that there is something of a sweet spot&...

  • 那些年看过的动漫,有没有哪一句台词戳中了你的心?Quora网站近日请网友分享自己最喜欢的二次元经典语录,或许能让你忆起那段青春岁月。获得26好评的答案@Govind MelitteHappiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be in...

  • I am a 27 year old trying to go back to college after a long break from any formal schooling.那时我已经27岁了,多年没有在学校里接受过正规教育,正为重返大学校园而努力。I am taking a colle...

  • 北方各地初雪都下了一阵了,应届生们关心的秋招也接近尾声。经历了重重面试的人大多都被问到过一个问题:你对我们公司/这个岗位还有什么问题吗”( Do you have any questions for us? )多数人可能就说暂时想不到 /没有了”。Reddit网友也发现基本没...

  • All poverty counties delisted我国所有贫困县全脱贫China has removed all remaining counties from the country's poverty list, as Guizhou province announced on ...

  • China takes big internet strides互联网发展排名我国第2China has been ranked second in the world in terms of internet development, after the US, and has steadily ...

  • Biden's transition begins美总统权力过渡期开启The US General Services Administration (GSA) on Monday told Joe Biden it is ready to begin the formal president...

  • Livestreaming shows and hosts should be clearly classified, based on their content, as music, dance, singing, fitness or games, among other categories...

  • Probe's 1st orbital correction嫦娥五号第1次轨道修正China's lunar probe Chang'e 5 successfully carried out its first orbital correction Tuesday night...

  • Administrative departments must determine acts of bad faith on the basis of legally binding documents.行政机关将特定行为纳入公共信用信息,必须严格以法律、法规等为依据。The scope and p...