The roughly 30-second ad shows a Chinese mother telling her daughter, "Don't call me your mom if you cannot bring back a boyfriend," after which the girl is shown bringing a man who claims to be her boyfriend to the family's living room. Her parents are pleased and proceed to transform their dining table into a fancy banquet table with the help of various Ikea items, under a caption that says "celebrate everyday easily." 宜家的本意是想借助一个有共情的反转事件,展示如何将普通客厅一秒切换成一个充满庆祝气氛的客厅,遗憾的是,它选择了一个令人反感的故事——父母催婚。 广告播出之后,有不少网友称,宜家最新的电视广告让人很失望。很多人认为“再不带男朋友回来,就别叫我妈”这句台词很不恰当,是对“剩女(leftover women)”的歧视,称广告传递了不恰当的价值观。 "Not bringing a boyfriend home will result in a mean face and no festive atmosphere, but doing so will result in smiles and welcomes. How is this a family?" "It's hard to believe that the system of values (shown in the commercial) comes from Ikea and its brand of lifestyle comfort." 面对舆论压力,宜家迅速出面道歉,并承诺将撤掉该电视广告。10月24日下午,宜家家居发布了道歉声明。 In a statement, Ikea acknowledged that the advertisement's depiction of "gender equality" may have offended some people. 不过,这则声明下面的评论依然群情激奋。 为了让观众产生共鸣,很多公司在宣传推广时,都会选择从一些社会热议的话题切入。然而,有些公司在跟风迎合社会热点的同时,却忽略自己本身在向消费者传递一种什么样的价值观念。 在这一点上,宜家这支广告不是唯一的反面教材。 滴滴出行曾推出一支广告:年轻貌美的女儿带着其貌不扬的男友见父母,随着男友把学历证书、房产证、奔驰车钥匙、和马云的合照、大堆银行卡一一亮出,岳父母的态度立马从倨傲变成喜笑颜开。 The ad sought to emphasize that Didi Chuxing's scrutiny of its drivers is as strict as Chinese parents' examination of a candidate for marrying their daughter. 有人认为广告很有创意,幽默搞笑的同时,也反应了无奈的社会现实。但也有网友对此并不认可。翻看评论,画风是这样的: 无独有偶,奥迪中国今年5月在其官网发布的一则奥迪改装二手车广告几乎复制了同样“尴尬”的幽默。 The commercial opens with a young couple on the cusp of getting married, when the groom's mother suddenly interrupts the ceremony to inspect the bride.
奥迪这则广告被指物化女性。由于广告仅在中国平台播放,也有人认为是对中国消费者的歧视:影射中国夫妻关系、婆媳关系。 而奥迪发表声明称对此“深感遗憾(deeply regrets)”,并称广告由奥迪在华合资公司的二手车部门制作。 "The ad's perception that has been created for many people does not correspond to the values of our company in any way." "The responsible department of the joint venture has arranged a thorough investigation...so that an incident like this can be excluded in the future." 除了“扭曲”的婚恋观之外,一些公司的营销手段还带有明显的性别歧视色彩。 今年8月,杭州某连锁餐饮店推出了一项备受争议的打折促销活动,该餐厅根据女性顾客文胸罩杯大小打折。 The company's adverts showed a line-up of cartoon women in their underwear with the slogan "The whole city is looking for BREASTS". It listed discounts for women depending on their cup size, with greater offers available to women with bigger busts.
关于引发争议的广告,我们在此就不一一例举,感兴趣的读者可以回顾这份不完全整理。 在宜家家居的道歉声明下,一条评论写道:“今年,已经2017年了。”
正如宜家在道歉声明中所言:我们的传播工作不仅对我们自己的品牌有意义,对社会观念和话题的形成和推广也影响重大。 |