2023-12-06你有没有因为环保人士把气候变化归咎于自家的宠物狗而感到烦恼不已?别怕,现在只要给你家 汪汪” 喂用黑色兵蝇做成的狗粮,不用喂什么巴西牛肉,它也能长得胖胖的。一家宠物食品制造商说,他们的一款新产品中含有 40% 的兵蝇幼虫。It's estimated that pets cons...
2023-12-06如果给你一种能保你长寿的超级食物,你会尝试吗?这种食品能减少人们心脏病发作、中风以及诸如二型糖尿病的终身疾病的发病机会。它还有助于降低体重、血压和胆固醇水平。Adults in the UK are recommended to eat 30 grams of fibre a day, but on...
应对气候变化 看视频不选高清模式
2023-12-06英国皇家学会(Royal Society)的科学家们发表的一份报告称,在线收看电视节目时,选 标清模式” 可以减少碳排放量。The report says digital technology produces up to 6% of global emissions, but the ...
2023-12-06There are people living in almost every corner of our crowded planet. From the tops of mountains to deep underground, we've always been able to fi...
走路慢 老得快
2023-12-06Getting old might not be something that's yet to cross your mind. But ageing is inevitably going to get the better of us one day, so it's some...
2023-12-06Choosing what to wear can be a tricky problem, especially if you're a fashion victim. Trying to keep up with the latest styles involves regular vi...
2023-12-06Going to work can be a slog, especially if your job is full of tedious tasks and pointless meetings. Obviously, work is necessary to earn an income, a...
2023-12-06Do you enjoy playing computer games? They can be thrilling, especially when you're competing against others. They involve lots of skill, and offer...
2023-12-06Some people say that dogs are man's best friend – good companions, loyal and loveable. Of course, they can be more than just a pet as certai...
2023-12-06If you look around the streets of London, you'll see the many methods people use to move around. Whether it's on a commute to work, a trip to ...