Smokers Enjoy Puffers' Paradise on Wheels A sanctuary in a hostile land. That's what Tokyo smokers got when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space. Dubbed the SmoCar, the trailer is parked in a space in front of a big office building in Tokyo's central Chiyoda ward. Smoking on the street was banned in the busy parts of the ward since last October, and a system of fines -- up to 0 for multiple offences -- began in November. "I smoke pretty heavily so having this kind of space makes me happy," said 28-year-old Hirokazu Sato, who stopped by to take a puff inside the new smokers' paradise. The 27-foot-long silver trailer does not come with any seats, but has counters equipped with ashtrays and room enough for around 20 smokers to puff away to their heart's content. If the trailer gains popularity Japan Tobacco may introduce more of them, a JT official said. Smokers welcomed the idea. "It would become even easier to use if there were more of them and if they were placed near the train station," Sato said.
一片不友好的土地上终于有了一座避难所。这正是东京的烟民们所经历的,因为日本烟草公司推出了一种由拖车改装而成的自由吸烟室。 这辆名为"SomCar"的流动吸烟车就停在东京中心千代的一幢大型写字楼前的空地上。 去年10月以来,在这个区的繁华地带开始禁止吸烟。从11月开始,有关部门还出台了罚款措施,对屡教不改者罚款金额达170美元。 28岁的宏一佐都正准备走进这烟民的天堂抽上几口过过瘾,他说:"我的烟瘾很重,这样的流动吸烟室让我感觉好多了。" 这辆银色的拖车长27英尺,里面不设座位,取而代之的是安装了烟灰缸的柜台,可以容纳20个人左右。他们可以在这里尽情地吞云吐雾。 日本烟草公司的一位官员说,如果这样的拖车受欢迎,他们将推出更多的同类产品。 瘾君子们对此自然是举双手赞成。 佐都说:"如果有更多这种吸烟车,并且能够设在火车站附近,用起来就更方便了。" |