2023-12-06Study: Mom Is Best Weapon Against Teen Drug Abuse (2002)A caring mother is the single most important factor in preventing teenagers from abusing drugs...
以身作则树榜样 僧侣身先士卒戒烟
2023-12-06Activists Want Monks to Kick Habit A Cambodian Buddhist monk smokes a cigarette in Phnom Penh May 8, 2002.Anti-smoking activists enlisted Buddhist mon...
2023-12-06Doctors Warn of Too Many Pills for 'Non-Diseases' (2002)So-called lifestyle drugs for baldness, erectile dysfunction are big business for phar...
冰淇淋、土豆泥 轻松还你好心情
2023-12-06Eating Can Boost Mood, UK Researchers Find (2002)Feeling tired and stressed out? A new study provides evidence that a bowl of ice cream or mashed pota...
2023-12-06Alcohol Kills 1,400 Students A Year (2002)Janelle Kanovich, 22, of Harrisburg, Pa., drinks tequila out of the bottle.An estimated 1,400 college studen...
2023-12-06Laura and Cherie On a Crusade (2002)Cherie Blair and Laura Bush come from opposite ends of modern womanhood.While Cherie is a leading barrister with a...
2023-12-06Europe top of the world charts for quality of life (2002)University of ZurichA survey published on Monday shows Zurich as the world's most desirab...
2023-12-06Stars Smoke, Critics Fume (2002)Smoking was fairly common in classic Hollywood movies, but a new study says smoking in movies is making a comeback.Few...
2023-12-06Anything Goes at Show on Bodily Functions (2002)A visitor to Singapore's Grossology exhibit emerges from a giant nose in which the environment of ...
2023-12-06Havens for the Heavy-- Which Are America's Fattest Cities? (2002)The residents of Houston just won a dubious distinction that will hit them right ...