2023-12-06Doctors Advised to Stop Interrupting and Listen Doctors should keep quiet and let patients explain their problems instead of interrupting them, Swiss ...
2023-12-06Boozing? It's Practically TherapyGoing down the pub could seriously affect men's health—but in a positive way, a study said. A Leeds Uni...
想戒烟吗? 那就先战胜自已吧
2023-12-06Can You "Psych" Yourself Into Quitting Smoking?BY CRAIG SEGALIt is all well and good to consider methods for quitting, but hard-core smokers...
2023-12-06Why Is Canada Shutting Out Doctors?While millions of Canadians can’t find a doctor, thousands of foreign physicians can’t get a licence to...
2023-12-06Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired? Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired?There is no one answer that...
2023-12-06How do I know when my blood pressure is high?For the most part, you can't tell if you have high blood pressure(通常,你并不知道自已是否患了高血压), and most hypert...
2023-12-06What is Blood Pressure?Blood is carried from the heart to all parts of your body in vessels called arteries. Blood pressure is the force of the blood ...
2023-12-06Study: Asian Suicide Rate Higher in Women导读:通常,男人比女人的自杀率高得多。但是在亚洲的发展中国家,年轻女性的自杀率远高于男子。她们容易自杀的原因可能是缺少教育、包办婚姻、失恋等。另一方面,这些亚洲女性的自杀方式和西方女性有很大不同,她们更倾向于使用上吊、...
2023-12-06Alternative medicine growing in popularity 导读:替代治疗在美国变得越来越流行。在接受调查的31000人中,超过 1/3的人用过替代治疗。这些替代疗法包括瑜珈、冥想、草药、特殊饮食甚至祷告。根专家介绍,有些背离传统医学的治疗方法有时也会有副作用。May 28...
2023-12-06Pushing Life's LimitsSeptember 29, 2000 John R. Wilmoth, a demographer(人口统计学家) at the University of California, Berkeley, has collected a wealth o...