为胖人伸冤 肥胖≠懒惰
2023-12-06Fat equals lazy?Doctors are guilty of wrongly believing that obese people are simply lazy, research suggests.Researchers at Yale University said the f...
2023-12-06Arthritis all-clear for high heelsFears that wearing high-heeled shoes could lead to knee arthritis are unfounded, say researchers.But being overweigh...
2023-12-06Deadly Dolphins致命的海豚1. People like dolphins. They are regarded as smart (at least compared with the average fish), and cute. They also have a large vo...
2023-12-06A Martian Garden火星菜园1. 1)Earthlings, prepare to be amazed: New Zealand scientist Michael Mautner at Lincoln University has grown the world's first...
2023-12-06Ten Great Myths of Physical Fitness保持身体健康的十大误区早晨是锻炼的最佳时间段?运动量越强,消耗热量就越快?想快些减肥,慢跑时就应多穿一套运动衣(这样就能多出汗)?坚持练举重,就会有健美运动员那样的身材和肌肉?[1]One of the most striking...
2023-12-06THE GOOD NEWS AND THE BADThe Year 200 computer glitch has proved surprisingly troublesome.美专家谈电脑千年难题带来的好消息与坏消息(1) Four years ago. We still felt that t...
2023-12-06Toast Red Wine for a Ripe Old Age?Corks are undoubtedly popping off merlot bottles a lot faster this week in the wake of a report from Harvard Medical...
2023-12-06Skip the Milk Chocolate, Dark Is Better for YouIf you favor those milk chocolate bon-bons over the dark variety, you might be better off switching. Ea...
2023-12-06New study shows happiness fights the common coldDon't worry, be happy and, according to new research, you will also be healthy.It is estimated tha...
锁定躁郁症真凶 原是基因在作祟
2023-12-06Scientists Say They ID Depression Gene (2003)Scientists say they've identified a flawed gene that appears to promote manic-depression, or bipolar ...