2023-11-24This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. The Ans had two sons. The elder son An Dacheng married Chen Shanhu. Shanhu was a kind woman wi...
2023-11-24This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. Lady Fan was gentle and beautiful. One day, accompanied by an attendant on an outing to the Wa...
2023-11-24This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Strdio. As a child, Xiliu was smart and liked to read biographies of ancient sages. She decided to fol...
英语双语故事-【成语故事】 邯郸学步
2023-11-24相传在两千年前,燕国寿陵地方有一位少年,不知道姓啥叫啥,就叫他寿陵少年吧! 这位寿陵少年不愁吃不愁穿,论长相也算得上中等人材,可他就是缺乏自信心,经常无缘无故地感到事事不如人,低人一等——衣服是人家的好,饭菜是人家的香,站相坐相也是人家高雅。他见什么学什么,学一样丢一样,虽然...
2023-11-24This is a story from the book Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. There was an old man with the surname Feng, he had a son named Xiangru. Xiangru studi...
2023-11-24Ares Son of Zeus and Hera,Ares was appointed god of war.Hewas terrible and majestic ,and his march shook the world.Of all the major gods at Olympus,he...
2023-11-24Eros(Cupid) Eros was the god of love,better known by hislatin name Cupid.Son of Aphrodite by Ares ,he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.H...
2023-11-24The Flood Towards the end of the Age of Bronze the human world became very cruel.Men grew hungry,impolite and ungodly.Neither rightn or law was respec...
2023-11-24Palladium When Ilus had first built his new seat,the city of Troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it. His prayer was heard,and a woo...
2023-11-24The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on th...