“万物有灵,花能解语。”下面就为大家介绍几种花市上常见但又不会撞车的花,帮助你向热恋的、暗恋的Ta表明自己的真心: 剑兰 剑兰,学名为唐菖蒲,与玫瑰、康乃馨、扶郎花一起被誉为“世界四大切花”。由于其与众不同的生长姿态,无论怎么插花,都会表现出风韵不凡的气质,能够从容地由自然美升华到艺术美。 剑兰的花语是信念、真诚正直(faithfulness, sincerity and integrity)。1983年,斗南农民拔掉蔬菜种出第一枝剑兰,开启了斗南的鲜花之路。不得不说斗南的鲜花市场就是从这一株剑兰花开始的。 Gladiolus is both the scientific and common name for these flowers. They are sometimes referred to a sword flowers or sword lilies due to the sword-like shape of both the foliage and the flower spike. The flower spire is said to pierce the heart of the recipient with love.
铃兰花 铃兰花只伴着五月的春风开放,它的花语是幸福再来(return of happiness)。 铃兰花白色而细小,一朵朵密生的小花,像一串串的小铃铛,散发着沁人心脾的花香,似乎表达着想要“呼唤幸福”的美好愿望。 Lily of the valley is often chosen as a wedding flower, both for its elegance and the delicacy of its fragrance. In the language of flowers, lily of the valley represents a “return to happiness,” perhaps because this early bloomer is a harbinger of spring. 帝王花 因为久开不败,帝王花被誉为全世界最富贵华丽的鲜花,代表着旺盛而顽强的生命力,也是南非的国花。 帝王花的植物生命期可达100年以上,作为鲜切花也不易枯萎,即便成为干花依然华丽如初。 雄性帝王,一般都是块状敞开型的,外层包片仔细看相对尖锐,而雌性帝王相对含蓄内敛,花苞半开而修长。 Protea flowers are native to the southern hemisphere, primarily Australia and South Africa. These unique flowers have existed since prehistoric times with some estimates dating them to 300 million years ago. What the protea flower means depends on the circumstances and the relationship between the giver and receiver, but there are some commonly agreed upon meanings for the protea flower——daring and courage.
飞燕草 飞燕草因其花形别致,酷似一只只燕子闻名。花朵形态优雅,惹人喜爱。 飞燕草的花色多样,不同的颜色有着不同的花语。例如蓝色的花语是抑郁;紫色是柔顺、倾慕;粉红色是诗意;而白色是淡雅。 The larkspur represents the strong bond of love. In general, it signifies an open heart, ardent attachment to someone. As with many flowers, the symbolism changes with the color of the bloom.
满天星 满天星学名圆锥石头花,英文名叫baby's breath,字面意思是“婴儿的呼吸”,如婴儿呼吸般的轻柔纯净的感觉,极为契合满天星的气质。 满天星花语:我所爱的人的呼吸。恋人的鼻息,在脸颊上、耳边温柔地掠过,就像满天星一样温柔而多情,怎样也数不清、剪不断。 Most people know the baby's breath flower as the iconic symbol of long lasting love because it's commonly used to round out wedding bouquets and centerpieces. The tiny white flowers represent the purity of emotion that two people should have for each other during a wedding ceremony. Self discipline and fidelity is a modern meaning for this classic flower.
雏菊 雏菊的花语是天真、希望和深藏在心底的爱,非常适合向暗恋的人委婉地表达真心。 雏菊花色丰富,不管是单色还是拼色都能很快找到中意的那一款。 The modern English word daisy comes from an Old English word that's impossible to spell and next to impossible to pronounce. The important thing is that the Old English word meant “day's eye” because daisy flowers only opened during the daytime. The daisy's message is, ultimately, one of hope and renewal. In sending daisies, the sender hopes the viewer will see the world as they once did as a child. |