“泡菜本来就是我们的传统食物”,近日,韩国网友因李子柒的一段视频又喊上了。 1月9日,李子柒在其Youtube个人账号发布了其“一生系列(Life Series)”产品的最后一段视频,介绍了各种类型的萝卜从成长到成为食物的“一生”,其中制作泡菜的部分遭到了韩国网友的攻击。 Li Ziqi, a famous Chinese food and rural-life vlogger with 14 million followers on YouTube, recently found herself sucked into this cultural battle after posting a several-minute-long cooking video on Saturday in which a dish that appears very similar to Korean pickled vegetables appeared. 视频中,她先是腌制了萝卜干,只见她将萝卜切碎,用盐析出水分;再经过脱水等程序…… 随后,她又分别用两种方式制作白菜泡菜,一种是仅用盐浸泡白菜,另一种是给白菜上涂抹了辣椒,最后密闭封存。 Since Li Ziqi tends to remain quiet during her videos to allow the visuals speak for themselves, viewers began debating what type of picked vegetables she had made, with some saying it was South Korean pickled vegetables and others saying it was a variety of Sichuan pickled vegetables. 目前,李子柒的这条视频已经达到370多万次观看。然而,韩国网友们却因为这条视频中出现了泡菜而喊上了。 据韩媒《韩国先驱报》报道,韩国网友涌入评论区,有人批评起李子柒没有声明泡菜是“韩国传统食物”,无法忍受泡菜的腌制过程。 Shortly after her video was uploaded on Saturday, Koreans flooded the comments section on YouTube and Facebook, criticizing her for misrepresenting the traditional Korean dish as Chinese. “I’m not saying anything about making it, but shouldn’t you at least write that it’s a traditional Korean food? When I saw the cabbage split in half I thought, ‘no way,’ but after seeing it being seasoned, I couldn’t believe my eyes,” read one Korean comment. 还有一些韩国网友思路清奇,认为“视频中没有泡菜冰箱”,由此可以说明“泡菜根本不是中国的食物”。 《韩国先驱报》声称,尽管中国拥有自己的泡菜,但李子柒视频中所用到的泡菜配料和制作方法却与韩国泡菜极为相似。 While China has its own pickled vegetable dish—pao cai—the preparation method and ingredient selection differs from kimchi. The choice of ingredients and method shown in Li’s video were very similar to that of kimchi.
一位朝鲜族网友这样说: “As a Chinese from the Korean ethnic group, when I see a Sichuan person (Li Ziqi) making pickled vegetables, I wouldn’t care about who invented this dish, but would just be surprised, ‘Huh? You eat cabbage like this too!’ This feeling increases my closeness to people in Sichuan province without any hostility. However, the situation is completely different for South Koreans,” another netizen posted on Zhihu. 去年11月24日,一项由中国主导制定、四川省眉山市市场监管局牵头负责的泡菜行业国际标准正式诞生,这也意味着,以后中国能够制定泡菜行业国际标准。 不过在李子柒的这期视频下面还是有很多国外网友前来打卡称赞: 你的很多视频我都爱看,但这期视频在视觉上更惊艳。你的摄像师很有才华,你也是。 李子柒切胡萝卜的方式惊到我了。 哇,太美好了,你真是个天才李子柒,你会做这么多事。天啊。 真正的文化自信,不是看谁喊得多响,而是低调踏实地做事。 |