1月22日,十三届全国人大常委会第二十五次会议表决通过了新修订的《动物防疫法》,该法将于2021年5月1日起正式施行。 据全国人大农业与农村委员会法案室副主任王观芳介绍,动物疫病与人的传染病密切相关,70%的动物疫病可以传染给人类,75%的人类新发传染病来源于动物。控制住动物疫病,必然会大幅提升公共卫生安全水平。 A staff member cuts a dog's hair at a pet store in Lianyungang, East China's Jiangsu province, on Jan 12, 2021. [Photo/IC] On Friday, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature, passed the newly amended Animal Quarantine Law, which will come into effect on May 1. 近年来,由于遛狗不牵绳引发的危险屡见不鲜。针对这一问题,新《动物防疫法》明确规定,携带犬只出户,应当按照规定佩戴犬牌并采取系犬绳等措施,防止犬只伤人、疫病传播。 According to the revised law, any person or organization who raises a dog must ensure the animal is routinely vaccinated, and register the vaccination certificate. Also, when walking a dog outdoors, the dog should have a valid registration card attached to its collar, and it should be kept on a leash to prevent it hurting anyone or spreading diseases. 对饲养的犬只未按规定定期进行狂犬病免疫接种的,可能被处罚款;逾期不改正的,除罚款外,还将由县级以上地方人民政府农业农村主管部门委托动物诊疗机构、无害化处理场所等代为处理,所需费用由违法行为人承担。 来看规定详情: 除了对宠物防疫有新的明确规定外,对于家禽家畜、人工饲养捕获等其他动物的防疫,新《动物防疫法》也作出了一系列明确规定: The law covers all livestock and animals raised or captured by humans. It divides animal diseases into three kinds and requires a mandatory quarantine of animals that potentially threaten agriculture and human health. 为保证动物防疫工作效果,法律提出,国家对严重危害养殖业生产和人体健康的动物疫病实施强制免疫。饲养动物的单位和个人应当履行动物疫病强制免疫义务。 野生动物疫病防控关系重大。相关检疫规范的缺失,是当前野生动物疫源疫病防控工作的一个短板。对此,法律明确,国务院农业农村主管部门会同国务院野生动物保护主管部门制定野生动物检疫办法。 Another significant measure in the revised law is the stipulation that wild animals must undergo quarantine. The newly amended law has made it clear that the agricultural and wild animal protection departments of the State Council, China's Cabinet, must work together to ensure wild animals complete the specified quarantine period. 法律还规定,因科研、药用、展示等特殊情形需要非食用性利用的野生动物,应当按照国家有关规定报动物卫生监督机构检疫,检疫合格的,方可利用。人工捕获的野生动物,应当按照国家有关规定报捕获地动物卫生监督机构检疫,检疫合格的,方可饲养、经营和运输。 A third, but no less significant change, is that if anyone hopes to utilize wild animals for purposes such as research, pharmaceutical products or exhibition, they must apply for animal health monitoring institutions to do the quarantine. Also those who capture wild animals must also undergo quarantine before raising or transporting them. 此外,法律还明确了病死动物和病害动物产品的无害化处理,规定了可参加执业兽医资格考试的人员范围,并鼓励和支持执业兽医、乡村兽医和动物诊疗机构等开展动物防疫、提供防疫服务。 |