学习英语当然不能只靠课本,想要学好一门外语,你需要有沉浸式的语言环境。这并不是说你一定得搬到国外去,或者和老外住在一起;读原版书籍同样是一个不错的办法,而这其中最好用、最靠谱的当然就是经典名著了。以下5本名著,分别对应了5种英语水平和方向,来看看哪一本适合你吧。 第一本:《傲慢与偏见》 Pride and Prejudice is kind of a literary Rosetta Stone, the inspiration, basis, and model for so many modern novels. You’re probably more familiar with its plot and characters than you think. For a book written in the early 19th century, it’s modernity is surprising only until you realize that this is the novel that in many ways defined what a modern novel is. 这本《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的小说中最出名的一本,它是文学史上很重要的一部作品,阅读它不光可以学习地道的英语,也能积累不少有用的人文知识。简·奥斯汀的小说对初学者而言是比较友好的,她的语言相对朴实,阅读体验很流畅;而且,简·奥斯汀描述的故事也通常都是英国乡绅小姐们的感情戏和家庭戏,很贴近生活,特别适合那些想达到六级水平的人。 第二本:《尤利西斯》 Ulysses did “stream of consciousness” before the term existed, and it’s also a sprawling novel dense with allusions, wordplay, obscure jokes, and intensely, opaquely personal ruminations by the characters. 这本小说曾经入选“全球最难读懂的10本书”之中,不过这并不是说它的语言过于高深,而是说它的结构十分复杂;迄今为止,它一直都是文学界的一个难解谜团,无数文学爱好者和学者都以解读它为乐。对于学英语而言,它的好处在于贴近日常,同时又有足够的深度和艺术造诣;这使得它非常适合雅思这门“贴近生活的学术型考试”。
第三本:《白鲸》 Moby-Dick has an unearned reputation for being, well, dull. Melville’s novel wasn’t received well on publication (it took decades before people really started to 'get' how great it is), and the negative sentiment is echoed every year when groaning students are forced to read it. 这本《白鲸》的价值还在于:它在西方文化中的影响真的很大,有很多俚语、俗语都来源于它;同时,这本书的词汇量也非常大,曾有人把它评为“世界上密度最大的小说之一”。加之作者纯熟的语言技巧,这本书很能培养一个人做学术研究的能力。因此,它很适合托福这门学术气息浓厚的英语考试。
It’s rare for a novel to remain as on-point as To Kill A Mockingbird for more than five decades. If you want to know how Harper Lee managed the trick, you’re gonna have to read it. At about seven hours to read, you can totally squeeze it in. 这本书的结构是相对简单的,节奏也很明快,阅读体验很顺畅。这多亏了作者独到的写作技巧,他能把小说写得很易读,同时却能在里面埋下深刻的东西。这本书对于英语学习者的意义还在于,它里面描写了很多正式场合,例如法庭;你在阅读它的时候,能体会到商务情景、正式场合下的英语和日常生活用语的不同。 第五本:《长眠不醒》 It’s true that the book is written in what seems to modern audiences like a self-consciously tough style, peppered with old-fashioned slang, and the plot is famously complex, even for a mystery, and actually has several loose ends that never get resolved, but it doesn’t matter. 这本书的好处在于:它是一本悬疑小说,而且是一本相当出色的悬疑小说,剧情引人入胜,所以你不必担心自己读不下去。同时,它的行文十分口语化,你能在里面看到很多教科书上不会出现的英语,换句话说就是真正地道的英语。 总之,学习外语是一个沉浸的过程,只有在融入了一门语言的使用情境时,你才可能真的掌握它。而阅读一门该语言的经典著作,绝对是性价比最高的做法了。试试这5本书吧,它们不光是优质的语言学习素材,也能给你带来不错的文化素养哦。 |