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英语幽默小故事-Hunting Skills

Two Russian hunters meet. "I shot a gigantic bear yesterday," says Ivan. "Look at the hide!" "How do you find such huge bears?" Sergei asks. "Easy," says Ivan. "You stand in front of a cave and whistle. When the bear comes out, you shoot." Weeks later the two meet again. Sergei is covered in bandages. "Didn't you follow my advice?" Ivan asks. "Sure I did. I stood, in front of a cave and whistled, " Sergei replies. "And what came out?" "To me, "says Sergei, "it looked like the Trans-Siberian Express." Notes: (1) hide n.兽皮 (2) bandage n.绷带 (3) whistle v.吹哨子;鸣笛 (4) Trans-Siberian Express 穿越西伯利亚的快车 Exercises: 根据短文判断下列句子正(T)、(F): ① Ivan shot a gigantic bear yesterday. ② Ivan showed Sergei the hide of the bear. ③ Ivan taught Sergei how to hunt huge bears. ④ Sergei didn't follow Ivan' s advice. ⑤ Sergei was hit by a train. 135. 打猎的技巧 两个俄国猎人相遇。“我昨天打了一只巨熊,”伊凡说,“看看这兽皮!” “你是如何发现这么大的熊的?”谢尔盖问道。 “简单,”伊凡说,“你站在一个洞前并吹哨子。熊出来时你就开枪。” 几周后,两人见面了。谢尔盖浑身缠满了绷带。“难道你没有听我的建议?”伊凡问。 “我当然是按你的建议做的。我站在一个洞前并吹哨子,”谢尔盖回答说。 “出来了什么?” “向着我来的,”谢尔盖说,“像是穿越西伯利亚的快车。” 练习参考答案: ①T②F③T④F⑤T
