Gong Yixiu, the prime minister of the state of Lu, was very foud of fish. The people of Lu who knew his addiction all came to his home bringing him fish. Gong Yixiu rejected all the fish brought him. He believed if he accepted other people's fish, he would have to accommodate himself to them. If he accommodates himself to them, he will break law someday and be removed from post. At that time, although he still loves fish, maybe there will be no one to bring him fish. Now he buys fish with his salary, it is very convenient although he has to pay for it himself. As long as he was not removed from the post, he had enouth salary to buy fish and had nothing to worry about. 鲁国宰相公仪休非常爱吃鱼,得知他这一嗜好的鲁国人纷纷拎着鱼,送到他家来。 公仪休对这些送上门来的鱼一概拒绝。 他认为,如果接受了别人的鱼,就会露出迁就别人的神气,一旦迁就,就会在行动上违背法令,这样做下,总有一天会被罢官。到了那个时候,尽管仍然爱吃鱼,却不一定有人再送上门来。 而现在用自己的俸禄买鱼吃,虽然花的是自己的钱,但非常方便。只要不被免职,充足的俸禄就可以用来买鱼吃,也不愁吃不到鱼。 |