夏天一到,很多人立刻开启了“烧烤、啤酒、小龙虾”模式,但是殊不知,这种胡吃海喝的习惯背后潜伏着巨大的健康隐患。近日,居住在中山市的赵先生因“进食后上腹部绞痛、呕吐胃内容物”入院治疗。医生对其进行抽血检查,发现赵先生的血浆竟然呈现牛奶似的乳白色!而令赵先生险些丧命的“牛奶血”正是大鱼大肉的饮食习惯造成的。 Mr Zhao, 40, was taken to the hospital in southern China last month after experiencing acute pain in the abdomen and on the back. Doctors said the fat content in Mr Zhao's blood plasma was 25 times higher than the normal level. The male patient was admitted into the Zhongshan Chenxinghai Hospital in Guangdong province last month, according to Dr Chen Guo-xiang, the director of the hospital's critical care department. Dr Chen told MailOnline that Mr Zhao was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and his pancreas had been inflamed. Dr Chen arranged a blood test for Mr Zhao to help treat his illness. Shockingly, the doctor discovered that the patient's blood plasma was unusually thick, and it appeared to be creamy white 'just like milk'. “牛奶血”是乳白色的血液吗? 乍一听,“牛奶血”这个名字可能会让人误以为红色血液变成了乳白色,其实并不是这样的。“牛奶血”学名乳糜血,是指血浆呈乳白色或混浊状。 According to NHS, blood plasma is a major component of a man's blood. The fluid, which should be yellow and transparent, helps transport blood cells and platelets around a man's body. “牛奶血”并不是天然流淌在我们血管里的。血检时,血液经过离心机分离出两层,浮在上层的为血浆,即血液中的液体成分;沉在下层的为红细胞、白细胞、血小板等。当上层血浆浑浊、不透明、颜色呈乳白色时,被俗称为“牛奶血”。 为什么会出现“牛奶血” Dr Chen said the cream colour is attributed to the high level of triglyceride, a major constituent of body fat. The normal range of a person's triglyceride is 0.22 to 1.65 millimoles per litre, according to Dr Chen. Mr Zhao's triglyceride level is 23 millimoles per litre, which is about 25 times higher than the normal level. The high fat level in Mr Zhao's blood had caused harm to his pancreas, leading to an acute inflammation of the organ, said Dr Chen. Mr Zhao said he had business meals very often and had consumed 'a huge amount of meat' over the years, reports ZSTV. 'It was just eating. I thought it wouldn't be a problem,' said the patient after he was shocked to see the results of his blood test. Dr Chen said the patient's greasy diet was the main cause of his illness. They had arranged healthy blood plasma to be transfused into Mr Zhao's body to replace his 'fatty' blood plasma. The patient has been discharged from the hospital. |