只有先人一步获知流行趋势,才能引领时尚潮流。2019年怎么穿戴最时尚?爱美的姑娘们快快看过来! 流行服饰一:人造革耳坠 Amazon retailer Bowisheet sells faux-leather earrings in a wide range of colors. Amazon Searches for faux-leather earrings have recently increased by 2,831%, according to Pinterest. The style is expected to grow into a bigger trend in 2019 as well. 根据社交图片网站Pinterest的数据,对人造革耳饰的搜索量近来上升了2831%。这一潮流预计将延续到2019年并发展壮大。 There's also a good chance that faux-leather fabric will become more popular overall this year. 人造革面料在2019年也很有可能变得更流行。 Faux-leather earrings from Bowisheet retails for $8.98. Amazon After celebrities and consumers have consistently made cases for eco-friendly fashion, multiple designers ditched animal products entirely in 2018. 由于名人和消费者一直主张环保时尚,许多设计师都在2018年完全放弃了动物产品。 ditch[dɪtʃ]: vt. 丢弃
Meghan Markle may have also played a part in boosting eco-friendly fashion. 在推动环保时尚方面,梅根·马克尔可能也出了一份力。 Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, during a walkabout in Rotorua on day four of the royal couple's tour of New Zealand October 31, 2018. Dominic Lipinski/Pool via REUTERS The duchess frequently incorporates ethical brands into her wardrobe, and therefore has caused a spike in interest of the eco-friendly brands she wears. 梅根王妃经常选择一些良心品牌的服装,她穿过的一些环保品牌也引发了人们的关注。
流行服饰二:“爆米花”毛衣 Target sells these sweaters in three different colors. Target If you don't already own one, you're probably at least aware of popcorn cardigans. Less than one month away from the new year, the style has already started to appear in retail and online stores. 即使你现在还没有“爆米花”毛衣,你至少也会知道它的存在。距离新年不到一个月的时候,“爆米花”毛衣已经开始在线上和线下的零售店出现。 And, according to Pinterest, Pins featuring the style have recently increased by 1,395%, so the look is sure to become a massive trend in 2019. 根据Pinterest网站的数据,最近上传到该网站的“爆米花”毛衣图片增加了1395%,因此这种装扮在2019年必然会非常流行。 Popcorn sweaters at Target retail for $27. Target These sweaters have nothing to do with actual popcorn. Instead, the name comes from the pronounced stitches on each cardigan, which often resemble the salty snack. 这种毛衣和爆米花其实没什么关系。“爆米花”的名字来源于毛衣上鲜明的针织花纹,这些花纹和爆米花的样子很像。 pronounced[prə'naʊnst]: adj. 显著的
流行服饰三:亮片连体衣 At Forever 21, many of the sequin jumpsuits are rainbow colored. Forever21 Especially in the winter, sparkly minidresses aren't always ideal for holiday parties. But into the new year, you can expect retailers to offer more options that are equal parts festive and practical. 闪闪发光的超短裙并不总适合在节日派对上穿,尤其是在寒冷的冬天。进入新年后,你将会看到有更多实用的节日服装上市。 The style will be a go-to party look in 2019. 亮片连体衣将成为2019年派对服装的选择之一。 Fashion Nova offers some options as well. Fashion Nova Pinterest data shows that searches for sequin jumpsuits have increased by 280%, and multiple online stores are currently selling versions of the style. Pinterest网站的数据显示,亮片连体衣的搜索量上升了280%,许多网店目前都在出售这种衣服。 sequin['sikwɪn]: n. 闪光装饰片 jumpsuit['dʒʌmp'sʊt]: n. 连身衣裤
流行服饰四:丝绸上衣 Silk tops are sold in a variety of styles, including long sleeves and camisoles. Macy's After being extremely popular in the early 2000s, silk and satin tops quickly faded out of fashion. Luckily for fans of the style, the shiny garments appear to be making a 2019 comeback. 丝绸上衣曾在21世纪初火过一阵子,但很快就不流行了。如果你爱穿丝绸上衣,那么你走运了,因为这种服装潮流似乎就要在2019年卷土重来。 Pinterest searches for the tops have increased by 231%. Pinterest网站上丝绸上衣的搜索量上升了231%。 This camisole is sold in four colors and retails for $169. Bloomingdales Commonly sold in the form of camisoles, these silk and satin tops are made from expensive, high-quality fabrics, so luxury retailers like Bloomingdale's and Nordstrom currently appear to have the largest selections. 丝绸上衣用昂贵的高品质面料制成,一般作为内衣出售,因此布鲁明戴尔百货店和诺德斯特龙百货店等高档商场目前的丝绸内衣款式是最多的。 camisole['kæmɪsol]: n. 女背心;女用紧身衣 流行服饰五:针织百褶裙 This particular skirt is so popular that its nearly sold out. Zara 2019 fashion appears to focus on balancing style and comfort, which knit pleated skirts encapsulate perfectly. Searches for the style have so far increased by 75% on Pinterest, and the look is expected to trend even more throughout the year. 2019年的时尚趋势似乎关注的是时尚和舒适之间的平衡,而针织百褶裙则能完美地将二者结合起来。Pinterest网站上针织百褶裙的搜索量迄今已上升了75%,这一装扮在2019年预计会更加流行。 pleated['plitɪd]: adj. 起褶的 Pleated miniskirts are often sold in plaid designs. Forever 21 This flowing style of skirt is versatile. Knit pleated skirts can be dressed up for work, or down for more casual outings. Similarly, these skirts are sold in both mini and midi lengths, so the look can be worn year round. 这种飘逸的裙子非常百搭。你可以穿针织百褶裙去上班,也可以穿着它外出参加休闲活动。而且,针织百褶裙从超短裙到中长裙都有售,所以一年到头都可以穿。 versatile['vɝsətl]: adj. 通用的,万能的 |