2024-03-24Host: Just make yourself at home.主人:随意些,就像在自己家一样。Guest: Thank you. You are cooking up a storm.客人:谢谢。今天的饭菜真丰盛。Host: Wouldn't you like some more chi...
2024-03-24Biby: Could you bring us our check?毕比:能给我们账单吗?Waiter: Here you are. Who will settle the bill?服务员:给您,谁买单呢?Biby: Be my guest.Lyon.毕比:我来买单,李昂。Lyon: OK, i...
2024-03-24一次愉快的旅行,衣食住行缺一不可,而出门在外,住宿问题是首要考虑的问题。Guest: Excuse me, do you have a vacancy?客户:打扰一下,请问你们还有空余房间吗?Clerk: Let me see. Yes, we still have four left.柜台服务员:...
2024-03-24一次愉快的旅行,衣食住行缺一不可,而出门在外,住宿问题是首要考虑的问题。A:Guest: I would like to make a reservation for tomorrow.客户:我想订一间明天的房间。Clerk: I'm sorry but we are fully booke...
2024-03-24Guest: Are there any beds vacant?客户:还有空床吗?Clerk: Yes, what kind of room do you want?柜台服务员:有,您要什么的房间?Guest: I prefer one facing the sea. Besides, it sh...
2024-03-24Clerk: Reservation, can I help you?柜台服务员:预订处,我能帮您忙吗?Guest: Yes, I would like to reserve a room for next Monday.客户:是的,我想订间下周一的房间。Clerk: Wait a moment, ...
2024-03-24— 查看译文 —tips:怎样阅读才是有质量的阅读了? 中英对照请点击【中英对照】查看译文请点击 【查看译文】进行核对。KAREN: I'm not comfortable about this, Sandy.I don't understand most of these game...
2024-03-24— 查看译文 —tips:怎样阅读才是有质量的阅读了? 中英对照请点击【中英对照】查看译文请点击 【查看译文】进行核对。STUART: I'm glad I brought my jacket on this trip.SHARON: Yes, I didn't know Washi...
2024-03-24KELLY: I hope the food here is good.SANDY: Yes, it is very expensive. Maybe we shouldn't have come here.KELLY: But the guidebook says a lot of the...
2024-03-24DEREK: You won't believe what just happened.KELLY: What?DEREK: I went down to change some money, right?KELLY: Yes. We need some. How much did you ...