2024-10-17Bern (Swiss) As the Swiss capital, Bern is an important city of diplomats and the site of many international organizations and meetings. It's one ...
2024-10-15Singapore (Singapore)The Cavenaugh Bridge is a must-see for visitor, especially newlyweds.According to Malay legend(马来传说), a Sumatran (苏门答腊人)prince en...
2024-10-15Seoul (Republic of Korea)A pavilion in the grounds of the Kyongbuk-kung Palace, Seoul, South Korea. The palace remained the royal residence for around...
2023-12-06Kabul (Afghan)Kabul, city in east central Afghanistan, capital of the country and Kabul Province. Kabul is on the Kabul River, situated at an elevatio...
2024-10-01Sapporo (Japan)In June 2001, Sapporo Dome, nicknamed "HIROBA" - a venue of the 2002 FIFA World Cup - was completed in Hitsujigaoka on the ou...
2023-12-06Kobe (Japan)Kobe port viewKobe - home of one of the world's leading international trading ports - is a truly inviting city, noted for its beauty a...
2024-10-17Tokyo (Japan)Cherry blossoms signal the beginning of spring.The sheer level of energy is the most striking aspect of Japan's capital city. While i...
2023-12-06Bangkok (Thailand)It's worth putting up with the traffic jams, pollution, annual floods and sticky weather to experience one of Asia's most ex...
2023-12-06Bali (Indonesia)National TempleBali is so picturesque(图画般的美丽) that you could be fooled into thinking it was a painted backdrop(背景幕): rice paddies(稻田,水...
2024-10-15Jerusalem El Asqua Mosque and the Dome of the RockJerusalem is arguably the world's most revered city. It's the city of King David (1,000 B.C....