
  • Cleveland (US)The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is the centerpiece of the North Coast Harbor skyline.Cleveland grabbed headlines in the 1970s as a financ...

  • Miami (U.S.)It used to be called 'God's Waiting Room'. And even today, if you mention Miami to someone who hasn't been here or read ab...

  • Las Vegas (U.S.) Las Vegas is in the southern part of the state of Nevada, about 50 miles east of the California border and 30 miles west of the Arizo...

  • Detroit (U.S.)Since its 1950s heyday(全盛期)when Detroit was home to more than 2 million residents, the city has suffered some hard times. The city has b...

  • Seattle (U.S.)Ever wondered whether caffeine is a viable substitute for sunshine? If so, Seattle is your kind of town. More than any other city in the...

  • Atlanta (U.S.)For many, Atlanta is just the bonfire background to one of cinema's most famous clinches, but the city's profile is rising. Long...

  • Houston (U.S.)The fourth-largest city in the US is a sprawling metropolis of highrises(高楼大厦), malls and parking lots(停车场). Hot, humid and flat, Housto...

  • Boston (U.S.)Calling this quaint and charming city the 'Athens of America' might seem a bit braggadocio(自夸), but the city's 19th-century g...

  • 美国城市-费城


    Philadelphia (U.S.) Although it's dear to the hearts of America's flag-wavers, there's a lot more to Philly(费城)than the Liberty Bell(自由钟)a...

  • Toronto (Canada)CN TOWER, 1,815 ft and 5 inches high, is the tallest freestanding structure in the world, There are multiple observation decks - with ...

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