
  • 队敫盖坠参琛肥2004年格莱美金曲之一。黑人歌手就着R&B音乐,娓娓道来一个童年深印脑海的景象,一个如今遥不可及的梦:在父亲的怀抱中享受被爱的感觉。——在孩子眼中,父亲永远是最坚强最可依靠的港湾:被父亲高高举起,在嬉闹中睡着、被抱上楼睡觉,在父亲的循循善诱中开始懂事&...

  • 取材于《旧约-西潘亚书3》和《诗篇34》。大意是,上帝因为诸多傲慢和不敬神的行为而恼怒,将耶路撒冷极其周围国家变为荒凉之地。剩余之人以欢唱表达对主的敬仰、爱慕,以极其谦恭的姿态——我所听到的唱诗在唱颂上帝么?不,是我主上帝以歌声使你欢欣!”其中,我灵魂因主而荣耀&...

  • 《父亲的眼神》是美国歌手艾里克-克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)1999年格莱美获奖歌曲。人生三大不幸Eric就占了两样,少年丧父、老年丧子。人生的不幸经历却成就了他两首传世经典曲目。另一首就是我们熟悉的《泪洒天堂》(Tears In Heaven)。——失去父亲的孩子,...

  • 凯特-斯蒂文斯(Cat Stevens)的《父与子》绝对是一首让你满心感动的歌。走过人生大半旅程的父亲看着与自己当初同样懵懂的儿子,想说些什么,又不知如何说起;即使说,孩子又能理解多少呢?千般感触、万句叮咛说出口,竟带着阅历沉淀的辛酸:你还年轻,还有太多你须要知道的,还有太多你须要经历的&rdquo...

  • 我们每个人对自己的父亲都有一个定义。你知道孩子眼中的父亲是什么样的吗?看看下文就知道了。My dad is allways there for me when I get hurt very bad.I love my dad. - Ace - Age: 7 - From UNITED STATES...

  • A Good Heart to Lean onWhen I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would ...

  • The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunda...

  • My father was my hero, all throughout my life.The father of eight children, he saw his share of strife.When I was very little, he appeared to be so la...

  • A Father and a Dad Are Not the SameA father and a dad are not the same: One can be a dad and not a father, Or one can be a father and not bother To ea...

  • It Takes More Than BloodIt takes more than blood to be a dad.Oh this is surely a proven fact.I've seen men give his heart to a child ...Never once...