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And The Father Will:为主之爱歌唱


取材于《旧约-西潘亚书3》和《诗篇34》。大意是,上帝因为诸多傲慢和不敬神的行为而恼怒,将耶路撒冷极其周围国家变为荒凉之地。剩余之人以欢唱表达对主的敬仰、爱慕,以极其谦恭的姿态——“我所听到的唱诗在唱颂上帝么?不,是我主上帝以歌声使你欢欣!”其中,“我灵魂因主而荣耀”(My soul will make its boast in God)和“歌唱吧,锡安山的儿女”(Sing, O daugther of Zion)两句都是《圣经》原文。

And The Father Will Dance
Words Zephaniah 3:14,17, Psalm 34:2,4; Music by Mark Hayes

And the Father will dance over you in joy! He will take delight in whom He loves
Is that a choir I hear singing the praises of God?
No, the Lord God Himself is exulting over you in song!
And He will joy over you in song. And He will joy over you in song (Repeat)

My soul will make its boast in God for He has answered all my cries
His faithfulness in me is as sure as the dawn of a new day
Awake, my soul! Awake, my soul! Awake, my soul, and sing!
Let my spirit rejoice. Let my spirit rejoice. Let my spirit rejoice in God!

Sing, O daugther of Zion, with all of your heart!
Cast away fear for you have been restored!
Put on the garment of praise as on a festival day
Join with the Father in glorious, jubilant song!

And He will joy over you in song. And He will joy over you in song
And the Father will dance over you in joy! He will take delight in whom He loves
Is that a choir I hear singing the praises of God?
No, the Lord God Himself is exulting over you in song!

God rejoices over you. God rejoices over you. God rejoices over you in song!


 take delight in  v. 乐于

 exult  v. 高兴,欢跃 

 faithfulness  n. 忠诚,正确

 dawn  n. 黎明,拂晓

 rejoice  v. 欣喜,喜悦

 Zion  n. 锡安山(代指以色列土地)

 restore  v. 恢复,重建

 cast away  v. 抛弃

 garment  n. 外衣

 jubilant  a. 欢呼的,喜洋洋的
