2023-12-06精彩对白Lang: Hi, darling.Ruth: How was New York?Lang: Short and sweet. Hi, Barry. Hi, Amelia. Hello. Who are you?Ghost writer: I'm your ghost.Lang: R...
2023-12-06精彩对白Ghost Writer: Hello?Amelia: You need to check out of the hotel immediately. Things have changed. A car is on its way. See you then.Ghost Writer: H...
2023-12-06精彩对白Ruth: Perfect fit. Now all you need is a drink.Ghost Writer: What are we having?Ruth: Biodynamic white wine from the Rhinehart Vinery in the Napa ...
2023-12-06精彩对白Waiter: Good evening, sir. Hatherton welcomes you aboard.Ghost Writer: Thank you. It's my first time in a private jet.Amelia: Well, let's ...
2023-12-06精彩对白Amelia: Here we are.Ghost Writer: Oh, here we are.Amelia: I'm sorry. I think I'm over it, and then suddenly I realize I'm not.Ghost Wr...
2023-12-06影片对白Janine: Okay, so clearly he hasn't called. Maybe he's away on business.Gigi: He sells real estate. In Baltimore. Staying in town is his bu...
2023-12-06影片对白Alex: Look, you seem like a cool girl, so I'm just gonna be honest with you. Conor's never gonna call you.Gigi: Oh, really. How do you kno...
2023-12-06影片对白Neil: Hey. That look straight to you?Beth: Why are you hanging that?Neil: Because you asked me to about three weeks ago. I'm getting around to...
2023-12-06影片对白Man: Hey. What are you doing?Girl: Waiting for you. Come on.Alex: Sorry I'm late.Gigi: No, it's okay. I like a little time before a blind ...
2023-12-06影片对白Alex: Hey, thanks for staying and helping me clean up. I really gotta go to bed, though.Gigi: Is that an invitation?Alex: What?Gigi: Oh, God, that...