1 John, you're a toy. You and me -- no future. 2 Once some things are said... 3 Remember what it was like to work a 60-hour week? 4 You can't take them back. 5 You are never going to get somebody who cares 6 as much about finding Deirdre as I do. 7 You shot yourself? 8 Pretty lame, huh? 9 The damage is already done. Mom! 10 You're not taking her away from me. 11 Get out. 12 I needed you to see something. 13 They said they stole it from Mike's garage. 14 Is that blood? 15 Bree van de Kamp believed 16 in old-fashioned values. 17 Things like respect for god... 18 the importance of family... 19 and love of country. 20 In fact, Bree believed so strongly in her values, 21 It was always a shock whenever she was confronted 22 With those who didn't. 23 It's not mine. 24 You promised the cheating had stopped, Rex. 25 You promised. 26 Could we not yell at each other? 27 I'm feeling really lousy today. 28 I want you out of the house! 29 Bree, look at me. 30 It's not mine. 31 Well, then, whose is it? 32 It just didn't magically appear in my laundry basket. 33 Well, I'm not the only guy in this house 34 That uses that hamper. 35 No. 36 Sorry. 37 Andrew is still a child. 38 He's 16. it's not unheard of. 39 Honey, you have to talk to him. 40 And tell him what? 41 Tell him that we found his condom, 42 and that he is forbidden from, you know... 43 I can absolutely tell him that we think he's too young, 44 but I don't think it's going to do any good. 45 Well, then, the least we can do is go search his room, 46 And if we find any more of these, we'll confiscate them. 47 And that will accomplish what? 48 Well, if we take away his condoms, maybe -- 49 He's a teenage boy. We could take away his penis, 50 He'd still try to have sex. |