301 Oh, look, he's stretching for extra bases, 302 just like he stretched for extra territory 303 screwing over unsung utility player tom Scavo. 304 Ooh! down goes Duggan! Duggan goes down! 305 That's gotta hurt. 306 Well, the glory hound is tagged out, 307 and, well, he's going to have to deal 308 With some tough dirt stains, that Tim Duggan. 309 Tom... 310 Oh, no, look, I'm sure he's just grandstanding. 311 Oh, my god. 312 Holy crap. 313 It's only a pool party. everyone's going to be there. 314 I said no. 315 What are you going to do, 316 Keep a boy-free zone around me until I'm 18? 317 You can see boys in a couple years, 318 Just not that boy. 319 Why do you hate Zach? 320 I don't hate Zach. 321 I just think he's sort of crazy. 322 Mom, I've heard people call you sort of crazy. 323 Well, I'm adorable crazy, and he's rampage crazy. 324 325 Susan Mayer? 326 Yeah. 327 I'm Detective Copeland.
328 I'm investigating the murder of Martha Huber. 329 I need to talk to you about Mike Delfino. 330 Do you remember seeing Mr. Delfino 331 On the 7th of last month? 332 Is the 7th important? 333 Well, we believe it was the night 334 that Martha Huber was murdered. 335 She was last seen 336 at the grocery store around 9:00, 337 and then she didn't show up 338 for a dentist appointment the next morning. 339 What day was that? 340 It was a Sunday. 341 Oh. Ha ha. 342 Oh, my god, yes. 343 Yes, yes. 344 Yes, I-I was with Mike that night. 345 You're sure. yes, I was. 346 Yep, it was a big night for us relationship-wise. 347 It was the first time that we... 348 The first time you... 349 Did it. 350 The first time they did it. |