
  • If you start the month feeling particularly territorial, especially on the 1st, don't fret. After all, if you were a bear, it would be hibernation...

  • You spend the day of the 1st doing something you've been meaning to do for a while: getting it all off your chest. What, you ask, do you need to g...

  • Starting the evening of the 1st and continuing all weekend long, things are going your way. Whether the sun is shining or you're in the middle of ...

  • On the 1st, you start the last month of the year with a wonderful day at work. Your shoes are shining and your eyes have that 'I just got it done&...

  • Twelve Years of Animals( 12生肖) 1.Year of the Rat 鼠年 2.Year of the Ox 牛年 3.Year of the Tiger 虎年 4.Year of the Rabbit 兔年 5.Year of the Dragon 龙年 6.Year ...

  • 临近岁末,进行一次彻底的大扫除当然必不可少。快来看看哪个星座最勤快,哪个星座又是最会开溜的懒汉?ARIES: gets competitive over who's the speediest sweeper or whose rag is dustiest. 白羊座是速度最快的清扫者,同时...

  • ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)You Rams are notoriously impatient, especially when it comes to romance. Cut to the chase by venturing out of familiar territ...

  • ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)Aries individuals will be starving when they arrive at your door because their forceful, fiery nature burns through food at a...

  • 白羊座 21/03-20/04Aries Metal: Iron金牛座 21/04-21/05Taurus Metal: Copper双子座 22/05-21/06Gemini Metal: Mercury巨蟹座 22/06-22/07Cancer Metal: Silver狮子座 23/07-22...

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19)OVERVIEW: Motivation and hard work will help you recreate your life, giving you new opportunities in your career this year....

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