爱思英语编者按:关于星座,你了解多少呢? 星座故事:十二星座最不能忍受的事
Aries 白羊(Mar. 21- April 20) Yours is the most impatient sign of all, Aries, so naturally, what irritates you most is waiting. Period. You want to be the first one in, the first one out, and at the very head of the pack in the left hand lane, whether it's rush hour or 3 a.m. Your impatience also extends to your temper. 你可是12星座中最没耐心的一个,自然,能让你“抓狂”的事就是“等待”了。无论是高峰时间还是下午3点,你通常都是第一个来,也是最先离开的那个。急性子的你很容易发脾气。 
Taurus 金牛(Apr. 21 - May 21) Unlike your Aries and Gemini neighbors, you, Taurus, can't stand rushing. You believe in measuring twice (at least) and cutting once, in thinking before you act, and in choosing your words and actions as carefully as possible. What drives you crazy more than anything, then, is haste - but unexpected change is a close second. In fact, unlike most of us, you're not particularly fond of surprises, even if they're pleasant ones. 牛儿可不像白羊和双子座人那样,你最不能忍受的就是急急忙忙了。无论说话还是做事,谨慎的你凡事都会再三考虑。那么,当然不会有什么比急躁更让你发疯的事了。实际上,和大多数人不同,即便是非常令人开心的事也不能给你带来太多惊喜。 Gemini 双子(May 22 - June 21) Mercury is your planet, Gemini, the guy with the wings on his head and his feet, symbolizing his quicksilver abilities when it comes to mental and physical speed. So, understandably, nothing makes you crazier than someone who just won't cut to the chase when they're telling a story or refuses to take a shortcut when they know they're running late. 水星是双子座的守护星。传说中这个双子男孩的头和脚上各有一对翅膀,这便暗示了无论在思维方式还是在身体素质上,双子座人都渴望快速多变。因此,可以理解的是,没有什么比下面的事更让你恼羞成怒了:比如有人对你说谎而又不允许你刨根问底,或是他们明知道已经来不及了却又拒绝走捷径。 Cancer 巨蟹(June 22 - July 22) Safety, security, and your home and family are what matter most to you, Cancer, and there's nothing you love more than spending an evening at your place, surrounded by loved ones, snuggled up under a quilt. So what makes you nuts? Being dragged out by a well-meaning friend who's decided that you "need more socializing." 所有与家庭及家人有关的事情都会让你牵挂。还有什么比依偎在爱人的身旁、静静地享受一个浪漫的夜晚更美好的事呢?那么,什么事最能激怒你呢?当然是有朋友硬把你从家里拖出来,告诉你“需要多一些社交活动”的时候了。 Leo 狮子(July 23 - Aug. 22) Yours is the sign of the performer, Leo. You can turn any place into a stage, from an actual podium to a bar to the front of a classroom. What makes you crazy is one thing: someone who tries to steal your applause. You work hard to keep everyone amused and entertained, and you enjoy it as much as they do. The spotlight is only so wide, though, so when someone tries to snag some of it, you won't hesitate to show your disapproval. 狮子是天生的表演者。任何地方都可以成为你展示自己的舞台,无论是真正的舞台,还是酒吧或是教室的讲台上。最让你“抓狂”的事只有一件:有人企图阻止你的表演。为了让每个人都能快乐开心,你努力展示自己并乐在其中。所以,一旦有人挑战你的权威,你会毫不犹豫地表达不满。 Virgo 处女(Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) Cleanliness. Order. Organization. That's what you need to function at your best, Virgo, in your personal surroundings, your workplace, and your daily schedule. So what drives you crazy more than anything else is filthy, unsanitary, or disorganized conditions, as well as people who exhibit those qualities. 整洁有序、组织性强,这是处女座人时刻追寻的生活信条。它也自始至终贯穿在你的日常工作安排之中。最让你难以忍受的事莫过于脏乱不堪、杂乱无章了。 Libra 天秤(Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Contrary to popular opinion, your specialty, Libra, is not "balance" itself, it's restoring balance to unbalanced situations. So what you can't stand, more than anything else, is seeing lopsided, prejudiced, unfair, or discriminatory conditions. It brings out the cruise director, mediator, and judge in you. In other words, you put your own feelings aside to become whatever it takes to make things "nice" again. 恰恰与大多数人的观点相反,你的专长并不是“平衡”本身,而是将不平衡变成平衡。因此,偏见和歧视,不公正和不公平是最让你受不了的事了。每当遇到这种情况,你就成了当仁不让的调解人。换句话说,你会暂时把个人的感情搁置一边,让一切有争议的事再次“平衡”起来。 Scorpio 天蝎(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Your sign is famous for its love of depth, intensity, and digging below the surface. So what makes you crazier than anything is meeting up with someone who goes out of his way to be shallow, cavalier about important issues and superficial. It makes you wonder what he or she is really up to - and wondering is what keeps you from getting a decent night's sleep. 蝎子以感情丰富、心思细密、洞察力强而闻名。最让你愤怒的事莫过于有人掩饰事情的真相或是喜欢做表面文章。你还会为了某些没搞明白的事弄得夜不能昧。 Sagittarius 射手(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) You love to learn, travel, and have fun with interesting others. In short, if it's new, uncharted territory, if you feel that you're boldly going where no one has gone before - yourself in particular - then you're game. What you can't stand - what you absolutely cannot and will not tolerate, no matter what - is boredom. 你喜欢探求新知,爱好一切有趣的事情。简而言之,只要是新奇的东西,特别是没人敢尝试的玩意,你都愿意大胆一博。因此,你绝对不能忍受和容忍的事就是——枯燥乏味。 Capricorn 摩羯(Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) When it comes to taking charge, while you may occasionally pretend you don't absolutely adore it, to be perfectly honest, you know you do - and you know we all love it when you're "driving," because you're so good at it. So what absolutely makes you nuts is having to take orders from someone who's not only less qualified than yourself, but also pitifully less suited to the position. Fortunately, that doesn't happen much, now does it? 你会偶尔假装不热衷权力,那是因为你知道大家希望你掌控大局,这是你擅长的。你最不能忍受的就是让你听命于那些才干不如你且并不适合这个位置的人。幸运的是,这种情况并不经常发生,对吗? Aquarius 水瓶(Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) You're the rebel, the radical, and the eccentric in every group, whether it's family, friends, or your team at work. You love and cultivate those labels because of the freedom they allow you to be yourself. The worst thing, then - the very worst thing of all, in your eyes - is being pressed into a mold, being told what to do, having to obey, and being forced to act like everyone else. 无论在家人、朋友还是同事的眼中,你都是一个激进反叛、行为古怪的人。你热爱自由,喜欢创意。在你看来,最糟糕的事莫过于将你模式化,告诉你必须遵循什么或是和其他人做一样的事。 Pisces 双鱼(Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) Your specialty, Pisces, is emotions, maybe even more so than sentimental Cancer. You're comfortable sniffling and dabbing at your eyes during a sad movie (or a commercial, for that matter) and rather - no, extremely - proud of your ability to sense what's wrong with a loved one before they even realize it themselves. So what makes you most irritated is when someone tells you you're being "overly emotional." 鱼儿最注重的就是感情,你甚至比蟹子还要敏感。在看完一部悲情的影片后能酣畅淋漓地大哭一场会让你觉得很舒服。你还会为自己能敏锐地感觉到爱人情感的变化而骄傲。那么,最让你怒不可遏的事就是有人告诉说你“感情过于丰富”了。 |