2024-10-09Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of the Moon(June 21 - July 22) This is an intense and dramatic year as both Mars and Pluto are do...
2024-10-02Ruling Planet & Upcoming Opportunities Children of the Sun (July 23 - August 22) Saturn, Planet of trials, is in the ascendancy from July 2005 to...
2024-10-09Venus In(金星落在)Keywords(属性关键词)Fire Signs(火象星座)(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)ardent, dramatic, demonstrative, initiatorEarth Signs(土象星座)(Taurus, Virgo, Capri...
2024-09-11Many luna Pisceans with strength of character bestowed by other planetary forces in the birth chart give boundless charity in many fields. There is no...
2025-01-24This figure in the birth chart creates a great many problems in the life for its natives....
2024-10-02This temperament, considered apart from its special character of social servitor, is highly individual. Many eccentricities and peculiarities are a pa...
2025-01-24The position of the moon in this sign is one of the best of the twelve. It is described in this superlative way for the following reasons:...
2024-09-11This position is quite good for men in a worldly sense. A men with this configuration is usually impersonal in his judgment of the world around him, b...
2024-10-11The sign of Capricorn is not a sympathetic abode for the delicate, variable, sensitive, imaginative nature of the moon. But, moving in her chartered c...
2024-10-09For the average women with the moon posited in Scorpio the situation is somewhat different. Even in the world of today she does not enjoy the freedom ...