
  • Mother Teresa died and went to heaven. God greets her at the Pearly Gates."Are you hungry, Mother Teresa?" says God. "I could eat,"...

  • Espiscopalian


    Three men of the cloth, a Catholic, a Jew and an Episcopalian were on an airplane trip together. They ran into the worst turbulence in the history of ...

  • Screening Process


    A young man dies and goes to Heaven, where he finds he is third in line at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter is taking a much-needed break, so an angel is a...

  • The Biggest Lie


    A clergyman was walking down the street when he came upon a group of a few boys about 10 years of age, surrounding a dog. Concerned that the boys were...

  • Faith Lesson


    While working on a lesson in world religions, a kindergarten teacher asked her students to bring something related to their family's faith to clas...

  • Devil In The Church


    One Sunday morning, everyone in one bright, beautiful, tiny town got up early and went to the local church. Before the services started, the townspeop...

  • Final Vows


    The young ladies were taking their final vows to become nuns at the Mass. The presiding bishop noticed two rabbis seated at the back of the sanctuary....

  • Morning Worship


    The teacher of the third-grade Sunday School class was planning to take her charges on a "field trip" to the ongoing church service, so they...

  • Vow of Silence


    At a remote monastery deep in the woods, the monks followed a rigid vow of silence. This vow could only be broken once a year on Christmas, by one mon...

  • Once, a gay man went to heaven. At the Great Gate, Saint Peter was waiting for him. After rewieving his records Saint Pete decided to let him in. &quo...