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Three men of the cloth, a Catholic, a Jew and an Episcopalian were on an airplane trip together. They ran into the worst turbulence in the history of aviation on the whole flight.

When the plane finally landed, a reporter is there and starts interviewing people. The first one is the Catholic and when asked was he afraid, he answered, "I am Catholic my son and
yes, I was afraid but I prayed to my God and I knew he would see me through it."

The reporter said thank you and went up to the next man of the cloth and asked was he afraid, he answered, "I am Jewish my son and yes, I was afraid but I prayed to my God and I knew he would see me through it."

The reporter said thank you and went up to the third man of the cloth whose clothes were all messed up, wet streaks down his pants and chunks on his chest. He was asked the same questions and replied, "I'm an Ecopalian".

The reporter says, "Ecopalian, what is an Ecopalian?"

And the man of the cloth said, "That's an Episcopalian with the piss scared out of him!"
