Absent-minded 心不在焉
A man was getting very absent-minded. One evening he went to visit a friend and chatted with him for about two hours. When he was going to leave, his friend asked, "How is your family?" The absent-minded man suddenly exclaimed. "Good heavens! I forget my wife is having a fit(大发脾气)." 有个人老是心不在焉,记性越来越差了。有一天晚上他去看望一个朋友,和朋友闲聊了大约两个小时。 当他准备离去时,朋友问他:“你家里的人都好吗?”这个心不在焉的人忽然惊叫道:“天啦,我忘了我妻子正在大发脾气呢。” |