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英语漫画:农场物语 一


英语漫画:农场物语 一

Rory: Dear Mr. Farmer, why do there have to be shearing days?
have to: 不得不 shearing: 剪羊毛
Rory: Why must the butcher conStantly harass us and the restaurant try to serve us as their daily special?
butcher: 屠夫  constantly: 不断地  harass: 骚扰  restaurant: 餐馆  special: 特色菜
Rory: Why can’t we all just get along and live together side by side in peace and harmony?
get along: 友好相处 side by side: 一起 in peace: 安详地 harmony: 和睦
Rory: Get outta my clover!!!
outta: 【=out of】 clover: 马草
Rory: Warmest regards, Rory
regards: 致意
