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Atomic Tom 乐队地铁献唱走红



这支摇滚乐队名为“原子汤姆”(Atomic Tom),4名成员来自纽约布鲁克林区。观众从视频中可以看到,乐队成员与普通乘客一样,坐在地铁车厢坐椅上。4名年轻人梳潮流发型,穿修身服饰,唱原创歌曲《约我出去》。他们演唱时不用乐器伴奏,而使用iPhone手机。4部安装不同软件的iPhone手机“化身”鼓、吉他、贝斯、钢琴以至麦克风。


Armed only with iPhones, the inventive rock band Atomic Tom has gone viral by way of the New York subway. The band has scored an Internet hit with the video to the song "Take Me Out."

Singer Luke White says the production was a top-secret operation.

"We didn't tell anyone about this. It was completely top-secret from our family, from our friends, from our label, our management, everybody. So the first time that people saw this video was last Friday when we put it on YouTube," explained White.

Since uploading the video to YouTube, band members have spent several days refreshing the page to watch the number of hits rise.

The video has also made its way around Twitter as many people have shared it with their friends.

"I mean, it still hasn't quite hit. It's just kind of blowing our minds right now that we're getting this many people are retweeting it, and they're sharing it with their friends. We don't know what it's like really to have something that's viral, so all of this is very new to us," said Eric Espiritu, the lead guitarist of the band.

White explains how the video came together:

"We did our research with the apps and found apps that worked out really well with the instruments and then we plugged them all into, plugged our phones into mini-battery powered amps that we put underneath our seats, and we did a lot of, you know, rehearsals, in terms of figuring out what the balance of the sound and like who was overpowering, who was too loud or who was too soft." 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

The idea for the video came from Espiritu's younger brother Benjamin. The younger Espiritu directed the video from his initial concept through the final edit and upload to the Internet. 

"I've seen a lot of the music apps come out, and I've never actually had the chance to play with them," says Ben Espiritu. "When I started hearing about how they sound and everything, I thought it might be unique to kind of take it one step further and then create an entire band just performing solely on the iPhones, and I thought it would be a pretty cool idea."

Ben says the success of the band's music video is a credit to the talent and ability of the musicians, but it's also a sign of the times.

"It really comes down to seeing something different, seeing something unique, and I think that that's always, in any type of art form, what will speak to people, and I think it does reflect the times that we live in, taking a smart phone and then being able to turn it into an instrument, not only just an instrument, but making it sound really good."
