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A-mazing: A route a customer took through a store. Professor Alan Penn said they are designed to stop customers leaving

Why shoppers find it so hard to escape from Ikea: Flatpack furniture stores are 'designed just like a maze'

If you've ever found yourself hopelessly lost in an Ikea store, you were probably not alone.

The home furnishing chain's mazy layouts are a psychological weapon to part shoppers from their cash, an expert in store design claims.

The theory is that while following a zig-zag trail between displays of minimalist Swedish furniture, a disorientated Ikea customer feels ­compelled to pick up a few extra impulse purchases.

According to Alan Penn, director of the Virtual Reality Centre for the Built Environment at University College London, Ikea's strategy is similar to that of out-of-town retail parks - keep customers inside for as long as they can.
艾伦•潘(Alan Penn)是伦敦大学学院,建筑环境系的虚拟真实研究中心的主任。他说,宜家的策略类似于那些在坐落在郊外的综合购物城的布局策略,让消费者在那里的购物时间尽可能久一些。

'In Ikea's case, you have to follow a set path past what is effectively their catalogue in physical form, with furniture placed in different settings which is meant to show you how adaptable it is,' he said.

'By the time you get to the warehouse where you can actually buy the stool or whatever's caught your eye, you're so impressed by how cheap it is that you end up getting it.'http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

While its stores have short-cuts to meet fire regulations, shoppers find the exits hard to spot as they are navigating their way through displays of flat-pack furniture, he added.http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

'Also you're directed through their marketplace area where a staggering amount of purchases are impulse buys, things like lightbulbs or a cheap casserole that you weren't planning on getting.

'Here the trick is that because the lay-out is so confusing you know you won't be able to go back and get it later, so you pop it in your trolley as you go past.http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

Mesmerising: Ikea's store in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.The flatpack store is designed to make it difficult for us to escape

'It's not like somewhere like John Lewis where everything has a logical lay-out and you know you'll probably be able to navigate your way back to the same spot again.'
这可不像在伦敦的高档百货公司约翰•路易斯(John Lewis)里面那样,商品都摆放得条理分明。你想再走回头去看看,也能找到路。

Alongside its reputation for good, cheap design, Ikea's distinctive labyrinth has been phenomenally successful with 283 stores in 26 countries and profits of £2.3 billion last year.http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

Big success: The Ikea store in Wembley, north London. Last year the Swedish giants made a profit of £2.3bn

The sometimes gruelling strategy - dubbed 'more like S&M than M&S' by Prof Penn - is similar to that employed by out-of-town shopping centres to attract customers then keep them in side for hours on end, he added.http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

Studies at the Bluewater centre in Kent found that shoppers spent an average of just over three hours inside, with a significant number spending eight hours at a time there.http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

Malls are subtly designed to keep shoppers moving around the retail floor, rather than towards the exit, while the frequent need to drive to the middle of nowhere means visitors are encouraged to make a day of it.


Along with familiar cafes and play areas, a common design is the 'dog bone' mall, where a large store at either end - such as Marks & Spencer or Debenhams - is attracted at knock-down rent, while smaller stores like Next or Mothercare cluster in-between to take advantage of the custom they generate.http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网
除了有熟悉的咖啡店和游戏区域,这些商场都有着类似“狗骨头”形状的布局。商场两端都是大的商店,类似玛莎百货(M&S)或者德本汉姆百货(Debenhams)公司,而且租金极其便宜。而中间部分,会放上小一点的店铺,如Next 或者Mothercare等,让它们也能分享到大商店带来的客流优势。http://www.engbus.cn英语巴士网

Supermarkets use similar tactics, according to Prof Penn.

'They couldn't get away with having shoppers going in one single route like Ikea, so what they do is put popular purchases like milk and bread at the far end of the store so you have to walk past shelves of other products on the way.'
