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Today's Highlight in History:
On January eighth, 1935, rock-and-roll legend Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi.

On this date:
In 1642, astronomer天文学家 Galileo Galilei died in Arcetri, Italy.

In 1815, US forces led by General Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans -- the closing engagement of the War of 1812.

In 1894, fire caused serious damage at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

In 1918, President Wilson outlined his 14 points for peace after World War One.

In 1918, Mississippi became the first state to ratify批准 a proposed amendment修正案 to the US Constitution prohibiting the sale, manufacture or transportation of liquor.

In 1964, President Johnson declared a "War on Poverty."

In 1973, secret peace talks between the United States and North Vietnam resumed near Paris.

In 1976, Chinese premier Chou En-lai died in Beijing at age 78.

In 1982, American Telephone and Telegraph settled the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against it by agreeing to divest剥夺,迫使放弃 itself of the 22 Bell System companies.

In 1987, for the first time, the Dow Jones industrial average道琼斯工业平均指数 closed above 2000, ending the day at 2002.25.

Ten years ago: Military tribunals法院 in Romania began trying the first captured members of the country's dreaded畏惧的,可怕的 security forces, who stood accused of resisting抵抗,忍住 the revolution that toppled颠覆,推翻 Nicolae Ceausescu.

Five years ago: Russian forces in Chechnya pounded the capital of Grozny with rocket and mortar迫击炮,灰泥 fire in an attempt to scatter Chechen fighters defending the presidential palace.

One year ago: By a unanimous vote全票通过或拥护, senators formally ratified the rules for President Clinton's impeachment弹劾,控告 trial. The top two executives of Salt Lake City's Olympic organizing committee resigned amid disclosures揭露,披露 that civic boosters had given cash to members of the International Olympic Committee.
